

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:16次 大小:67799Byte 来源:二一课件通
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阅读理解 Are you keen on learning something new Are you looking for application programs that can help you learn with confidence. The following apps will just suit your needs. Quizlet Best for: Boosting your knowledge and brushing up your skills Whether you are brushing up on a language, gardening knowledge and cooking techniques, or having a good command of your favorite literature classics, the online learning platform, Quizlet, gives you access to over 300 million different study sets on almost any subject you can imagine for free. Babbel Best for: Learning a new language As well as being a great skill to show off on holiday, learning a new language can have profound(深远的) effects on solving problems and might even give you a leg-up in your career. With classes designed to be 10-15 minutes long, Babbel encourages learning in short, yet achievable, bursts. So why not give language learning a try Blinkist Best for: Bite-sized book learning Blinkist is the perfect app to provide the key highlights from non-fiction books in both audio and text form. Whether you want to start a new business, improve your management skills, or achieve a better life balance, micro-learning app Blinkist takes key ideas from non-fiction texts and summarizes them into easy-to-consume 15-minute digests. Remente Best for: Improving mental well-being Stress is something that most of us face on a daily basis—be it at work or at home—and continual worry and stress can be harmful to your health. Whether the aim is to improve mental well-being, mindfulness, stress management or personal or professional relationships, Remente guides users through every step in order to make their goals a reality. It does this through dividing your overall aim into daily goals, making large tasks manageable and keeping you on track. 1.Which app will a learner consider if money is a concern A.Remente B.Blinkist C.Babbel D.Quizlet 2.What do Babbel, Blinkist and Remente try to ensure A.Successful learning. B.Enjoyable learning. C.Autonomous learning. D.Interactive learning. 3.Why does the author recommend the four apps A.To advocate online learning. B.To promote modern technology. C.To attract people to use them. D.To encourage life-long learning. Civilization began with agriculture, and though humanity has changed significantly, agriculture remains very important. In certain countries, its significance is more apparent, but the reality is that every country in the world depends on agriculture for one thing or another. It provides employment. Whether it’s working as a farmer, a harvester, a technician for farm equipment or a scientist, there are plenty of jobs available in this field. In developing countries, agricultural jobs help reduce high rates of unemployment. It’s crucial to a country’s development. Economic development is tied to a country’s agricultural sector. When trade, national avenue, and employment are combined in a positive way, a country enjoys reduced povert ... ...

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