

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:40次 大小:21405Byte 来源:二一课件通
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23年高考英语外刊阅读训练———阅读理解:人工智能如何改变教育 ———改编自How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Education AI, or artificial intelligence, has become increasingly prevalent in everyday life. Programmers code and "train” computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual recognition, artificial speech, and problem solving. AI algorithms work behind the scenes to customize ads and content online, and natural language processors interact and respond with users in a conversational manner. AI chatbots are now widely available and can be used for a variety of purposes such as customer service and generating sales leads. One example of an AI that may help protect individuals is “Take It Down,” a bot developed by Meta to help teenagers remove unauthorized photos from the internet. While there are concerns about AI bots collecting data and invading privacy, AI automation can save time and improve efficiency in many areas, including this task that would otherwise take hours to perform manually. The current generation of AI chatbots still face limitations in fully simulating human emotions and attending to nuanced language cues in human conversations. This reflects the biases and stereotypes "learned" from their creators. AI developers must continue to work on improving AI processing and linguistics for a more humanized approach. AI may also change how we approach education and tutoring. AI tutoring programs and AI-assisted mental health services could provide 24/7 accessibility for students and personalized assessments for academic, behavioral, and mental health issues. However, concerns remain over the potential misuse of AI technology for cheating and plagiarism in academic settings. Despite concerns about privacy and the sci-fi notion of AI robots taking over, AI will continue to open up new discoveries in all aspects of life. This technology carries both risks and benefits, but if used with care, it can bring positive developments while avoiding risks to livelihoods and privacy. 【重点词汇】 1. AI / ɑ t n tel d ns/ n. 人工智能,人工智慧 2. artificial / ɑ rt f l/ adj. 人造的,人工的 3. intelligence / n tel d ns/ n. 智能,智慧 4. programmer / pr ɡr m r/ n. 程序员,编程者 5. code /k d/ v. 编码,编程 6. train /tre n/ v. 训练,培养 7. computer /k m pju t (r)/ n. 计算机,电脑 8. visual / v u l/ adj. 视觉的,视力的 9. recognition /rek ɡ n n/ n. 认知,识别 10. speech /spi t / n. 语音,演讲 11. problem-solving / prɑ bl m sɑlv / n. 解决问题的能力 12. algorithm / lɡ r m/ n. 算法,计算方法 13. customize / k st ma z/ v. 定制,定做 14. content / k ntent/ n. 内容,目录 15. online / nla n/ adj. 在线的,联网的 16. natural language / n t r l le ɡw d / 自然语言 17. processor / pr ses (r)/ n. 处理器,处理机 18. interact / nt r kt/ v. 相互作用,相互影响 19. conversational / kɑ nv se nl/ adj. 对话的,会话的 20. chatbot / t t b t/ n. 聊天机器人 21. available / ve l bl/ adj. 可获得的,可得到的 22. customer service / ... ...

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