

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:92次 大小:21636Byte 来源:二一课件通
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23年高考英语外刊阅读理解训练———考古 ———改编自Why archaeology China’s top 10 archaeology findings of 2022, as recently released by the National Cultural Heritage Administration, highlights some of the most significant archaeological finds in the country. Although some may wonder why people get excited about these discoveries, archaeological findings have a profound impact on our daily lives, including influencing the art direction of period costume dramas and other entertainment forms, furthering our understanding of human beings, and developing our independent thinking. For instance, one of the discoveries of the year was the Zhouqiao Bridge site and Bianhe canal ruins in Kaifeng, Henan province, which revealed a bridge that was built during the Tang Dynasty and buried in mud since 1642. These discoveries serve as historical evidence to guide the art direction of period costume dramas, thus improving their authenticity overall. Moreover, archaeological findings deepen our knowledge of human history. The discovery of Yangshao Culture, seen as the beginning of China's modern archaeology, dates back to 5,000-7,000 years ago. However, new discoveries in recent decades, such as the Jingtoushan site in Yuyao City, Zhejiang province, provide vivid and solid details about peoples' lifestyles in coastal areas approximately 8,300 years ago. Similarly, the grave complex at Dasongshan site, Guizhou province, discovered this year sheds light on how various ethnic groups interacted with each other over 400 years ago. Finally, following archaeological findings cultivates independent thinking. A philosophy of constant inquiry and search for the truth is at the heart of the discipline. This approach encourages us not to limit ourselves to what is directly in front of us but rather to remain curious. By adhering to this philosophy, we can keep our minds clear, defeat false information, and uncover more of the secrets from past human civilizations. In conclusion, archaeological discoveries are not only fascinating but also have a lasting impact on many aspects of our daily lives, including our creativity and understanding of human civilization. 【重点词汇】 1. Archaeology / ɑ rki l d i/ n. 考古学 2. Discovery /d s k v ri/ n. 发现,发掘出来的东西 3. Significant /s ɡ n f k nt/ adj. 重要的,有意义的 4. National / n nl/ adj. 国家的,全国性的 5. Cultural / k lt r l/ adj. 文化的,人文的 6. Heritage / her t d / n. 遗产,传统 7. Administration / d m n stre n/ n. 管理部门,行政机构 8. Impact / mp kt/ n. 影响,作用 vt. 撞击,冲击 9. Daily / de li/ adj. 每天的,日常的 adv. 每天地 10. Influencing / n flu ns / v. 影响,左右 11. Art direction /ɑ t d rek n/ n. 艺术指导 12. Period costume dramas / p ri d k stju m drɑ m z/ n. 古装戏剧 13. Entertainment forms / ent te nm nt f mz/ n. 娱乐形式,娱乐方式 14. Furthering / f r / v. 推动,促进,深入 15. Understanding / nd r st nd / n. 理解,领悟,理解力 16. Human beings / hju m n bi z/ n. 人类 17. Independent thinking / nd pend ... ...

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