
Unit 9 Hot soup教学设计

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:15次 大小:15393Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Hot soup教学设计 教学目标 1. 能正确理解、朗读Talk together部分的对话,在情景中灵活运用句型“I’m thirty. Have some water. Is it hot Yes, it is. No, it isn’t”表达自己的需求。 2. 能正确理解并使用形容词sour, sweet, cold, hot, big, small。 3. 能够在情景交流中正确运用本单元的主要结构: 4围绕本课内容,引导学生合理饮食,保持健康。 学情分析 本次授课的对象是北京景泰小学三年级1班的同学,他们思想活跃,对英语学习兴趣浓厚,基础扎实,具有较强的英语听、说能力。在二年级的英语教学中学生已经学习了一些有关食物的英文单词;同时在本册书的第七单元中接触了What do you want to eat Do you like../I like../ I don’t like…句型和食物的表达。本单元前两课时接触了I want...Is that.. 本课时将继续深入学习并加以练习,通过多种形式的教学,使学生掌握和运用该功能句的表达法。 重点难点 教学重点: 能够在情景交流中正确运用本单元的主要结构:I’m thirty. Have some water. Is it hot Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 教学难点: 提高运用知识、解决问题的能力,发展与提高语言综合实践的能力。 教学过程 【导入】一、Warning up 1. Brain storming: T: What place is it S: It is a kitchen. T: There is a lot of food in the kitchen. Can you say them quickly S: Cold ice cream, sweat oranges, hot soup, sour lemon, fresh vegetables… 设计意图: 教师带领学生走进厨房,发现里面有很多食物,于是要求学生伴随着钟表的滴答滴答的声音,快速捕捉图片,用英语说出食物的名称,既复习了第二课时所学习的有关食物和形容词,又迅速进入学习英语的状态。 2. Play a game: T:What is this S: It’s a food train. T: There are some food in the food train. What drink do you like What drink do you dislike S: I like cold milk. I dislike hot soup. T: What fruit do you like What food do you dislike S: I like cold watermelons. I dislike sour lemons. Because I don’t like sour fruit. T: What food do you like S: I like hot dogs. They are delicious. T: I don’t like hot dogs. Last year I had a lot of hamburgers and dogs. Now I am so much fatter than before. So fast food is unhealthy. I like vegetables, but I don’t like hot dogs. Let’s play a game, please make a sentence with my last words. 设计意图: 教师和学生用英语谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,充分练习了孩子们的口头表达能力, 教师又能及时指出吃一些快餐是不好的,要吃一些健康的食物,引导学生合理饮食。 S1: I like hot dogs but I don’t like sour lemons. S2: I don’t like sour lemons but I like sweat apples S3: I like sweat apples but I don’t like hot soup… 设计意图: 开火车游戏不仅复习了旧知,增加了学生们开口说英语的机会,对程度较低的学生来说,说一说他们较熟悉的句子,可以提高他们的自信心。这个活动,由老师先说,第一个同学接着老师最后一个词组进行表达,第二个同学接着第一个同学的最后一个词组再说出自己的喜好,这样,就会使每一个学生都能集中注意力。 【讲授】二、Presentation 1.T: Who’s that in the kitchen Is he hot Is he thirsty Look at the picture and answer the question: Is there anything to drink for Ken S1:There is some juice. S2: There is some tea in the kitchen. S3: There is some cola in the kitchen. T:If you are Ken , what do you want 设计意图: 教师把书上的原图进行了修改,加上了一些学生已经学过食物的图 ... ...

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