
Unit 5 Our school Period 2教学设计

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:42次 大小:15051Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5 Our school(Period 2 )教学设计-北师大版(一起)小学英语三年级上册 教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)学生能够准确理解、认读关于学校内场所playground, classroom and office和学科Chinese, math, music, art and P.E. , science and computer词汇 (2)能够准确理解句型What subjects do you study We / I study …. 2. 技能目标 学生能够在创设的外宾来校参观的情境中,运用所学词汇和句型This is our…. He / she is our….teacher. We study….简单介绍自己的学校和老师以及所学科目 教学背景分析 教学内容:本课为北师大版小学英语三年级上册第五单元的第二课时词汇教学。教学内容包括两个物主代词our, their,三个场所名词playground, classroom and office和七个学科名词Chinese, math, music, art, P.E. , science and computer。这些词汇与孩子们的日常学习生活非常贴近,学起来也相对比较简单,易于接受。其中物主代词our, their和场所名词playground,office,classroom在课文中出现,学生在具体的语境中很容易理解其含义。 学生情况:1.学生对于贴近生活的话题特别感兴趣,特别是介绍自己的学校。2. 小学三年级学生能够用英语进行简单的交流。 重点难点 教学重点 本单元关于学校内场所playground, classroom and office和学科Chinese, math, music, art , P.E., science and computer的核心词汇 教学难点 1. 单词science的理解与认读 2. 学生能够在创设的外宾来校参观的情境中,运用所学词汇和句型This is our…. He / she is our….teacher. We study….简单介绍自己的学校和老师以及所学科目。 教学过程 【导入】一、导入 [song] 学生和教师一起唱“Our school”。 【设计意图】歌曲主题围绕our school。通过唱歌,使学生初步感知本课主题,引领学生进入学习话题语境。节奏感强的歌曲激发学生的兴趣。 【讲授】二、复习故事 1. 出示故事主要图片,问题启发,教师与学生交际互动,引导学生回顾故事的主要情节,根据学生的回答提炼出单词their, our, math, English , classroom, playground., office,并贴在黑板上。 T: Where does Mocky visit S: Mocky visits Ken and Ann’s school. = their school. T: Where does Mocky also go S: Mocky goes to their classroom. T: Who does Mocky know S: Mocky knows their math teacher and English teacher. Then, where does Mocky go T:Mocky goes to the playground. T: In the end, Mocky makes a bad thing. Mocky breaks the window of their teachers’ office. What a bad thing! 【设计意图】通过复习故事内容,在故事语境中提炼出单词,帮助学生复现所学单词,增强巩固,、忆,达到单词分层教学,不均衡用力。 【讲授】三、创设语言学习情境 创设外国小朋友参观我们学校的情境,学校招募引导员,观看介绍学校地点、学生所学科目和学校教师的专题片。 Step One: 教师创设情境 T: We know Ken and Ann’s school. This is my friend Lily. Lily is from American. Lily and her friends will visit our school. We need four guiders to introduce our school. How to introduce our school. Look, here’s a video about our school. Let’s watch it. After watching, try to answer these questions. 1. What places can you see in the video 2. What subjects do you study Step Two:学生观看学校宣传片 Step Three: 学生回答问题What places can you see in the video S1: I can see playground, classroom and the teachers’ office. Ss:… Step Four:学生观看宣传片中的课程表,回答问题What subjects do you study 学生观看课程表,根据自己的理解回答 ... ...

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