

日期:2024-05-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:2588961Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2022年全国高考乙卷完形填空详解 本篇完形填空采用了说明文体,主题为人与社会。文章主要通过实验证明孩子们捉迷藏时,只遮住自己的眼睛并不是自我中心主义的结果,而是孩子们坚持相互承认和尊重。该话题的选定旨在篇章难度中等,内容较容易理解,但有个别的词汇和短语在一定程度上增加了做题难度,具有一定的区分度。从语言层面上来说,文章共253个单词,依然以实词考查为主,80个选项词难度适中,只有一组选项考查短语,其他均为单词的考查。学生需要结合具体语境理解词汇的具体含义,同时学生需要在整篇文章中寻找关联信息,寻找答案线索,以便快速确定并肯定答案,减少改错的机率。 完形填空渗透核心素养 完形填空 Young children across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek. For them, there’s something highly exciting about ___21___ someone else’s glance and making oneself unable to be seen. However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably ___22___ at hiding. They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies ___23___ . For a long time, this ineffective hiding method was ___24___ as evidence that children are hopelessly “egocentric” (自我中心的) creatures. But our ___25___ research results in child developmental psychology ___26___ that idea. We brought young children aged 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC. Each ___27___ sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or ___28___ . We then asked the child if she could ___29___ or hear the adult. Surprisingly, children replied that they couldn’t. The same ___30___ happened when the adult covered her own mouth: ___31___ children said that they couldn’t ___32___ to her. A number of ___33___ ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our young subjects ___34___ the questions and knew ___35___ what was asked of them. Their ___36___ to the questions reflected their true ___37___ that “I can see you only if you can see me, too.” They simply ___38___ mutual (相互的) recognition and regard. Our ___39___ suggest when a child “hides” by putting a blanket over her head, it is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children consider this method ___40___ when others use it. Young childrn across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek. (1)For them, there’s something highly exciting about ___21___ someone else’s glance and making oneself unable to be seen. 21. A. following B. taking C. escaping D. directing 完形填空 highly adv. 很,非常;escape v. 避开,逃避;glance n. 匆匆一看,一瞥; the globe [单数]地球,世界;hide and seek 捉迷藏游戏; (1)分析:本句中,there is something+adj+about sb/sth 句式表示“某人/某事物有点. . . . ”。 译文:对他们来说,逃离别人的视线、让自己不被看到是一件非常令人兴奋的事情。 第一段:人们对儿童捉迷藏现象的普遍认知。 However, we all witness that preschool children are remarkably ___22___ at hiding. They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies ___23___ . 22. A. clever B. bad C. scared D. quick 23. ... ...

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