
人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Section B 2a—2c 教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:29次 大小:22016Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七年级英语教学设计 Unit 2 What time do you go to school Period 4 Content Section B 2a, 2b, 2c 一、教学目标要求 1.能够掌握并运用日常活动的动词或短语,如:go to bed, eat vegetables, play sports等。 2.能够分辨出日常活动中健康活动和不健康活动,如eat quickly(unhealthy), go to bed early(healthy)。 3.能够用一般现在时陈述自己或他人的日常活动,如:I don’t like to get up early. She goes to school at eight thirty等。 4.能够写出多项不健康的活动并给予健康的活动作为建议,如:go to bed late改为go to bed early等。 5.能够认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:lots of, either … or …, sometimes, taste等。 6.能够流利朗读文章,学习建立更健康的生活习惯。 二、教学过程 活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用 复习 Step 1复习已学目标语和 Read the conversations and answer my questions. — When does the boy get up on Saturdays — He usually gets up at 7:15 in the morning. 2 仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动 OK. Let’s make up conversations with your partner. Ask and answer in pairs. (学生两人活动,教师抽查几组学生 然后导入新课) Step2导入新课话题 Let’s watch the cartoon again. Well, we’re going to go on learning Section B today. 4 引入单元标题 教师板书或课件显示: Unit 2 Period 4 What time do you go to school 教师询问几个学生: What time do you go to bed 2a Step3 读1c表格,集体讨论让学生从中挑出那些可能涉及到“健康”概念 First, look at the chart. Please discuss for 1 minute and answer the questions: Which is healthy (健康的) (get up at 5:30) 通过表格呈现出涉及到健康概念的词 Now, let’s read them together. 6 顺势引出以下说法,为学生顺利阅读铺平道路 Now let’s look at the phrases. Can you tell me which are healthy (教师板书) (run in the morning / take a walk after dinner) 等 Can you read the phrases together (Yes) 7 完成2a任务,进一步为阅读铺垫 Ok, check the activities you think are healthy. (答案不唯一,学生有理由可以给予解释) 2b Step 4 读前活动,观察图片进行预测 Please look at the two pictures. What are their names Whose life is healthy, and whose life is unhealthy, do you think (Tony and Mary.) (He eats ice cream. She plays volleyball.) Mary’s life is healthy. Tony’s life is unhealthy. 引导学生看图,预测将要读到的内容。 教师应引导学生关注图中人物动作。 9 细读短文,完成任务 Now, please read the messages twice. Circle the healthy activities. For example, get up early, is it healthy (Yes.) 第一遍阅读,让学生获取活动内容,引导学生关注阅读内容,从中提取有用信息; 第二遍阅读,获取具体信息以完成具体任务,即在语篇和语境中判断哪些活动是健康的。 Check your answers. 跟读、齐读、自读短文,提高口语和听力 First, read the messages after me. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Now, read together loudly. This time, read by yourself as quickly as possible. Step 5 2c为Tony重新设计“健康生活时间表”,使教学衔接的更加紧密和顺畅。 OK, now we know Tony Brown has an unhealthy routine. That’snot good for him. Can we help him Well, I want you to write a healthy routine for him. Please use the box of Activity 2c to write out your ideas. 学生写作,教师巡视指导,进行必要的帮助、点评 ... ...

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