
【课堂新坐标】2013-2014学年高中英语译林牛津版必修一教学课件(目标分析+方案设计+自主导学):unit 1 School life(4份)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:75次 大小:10663790Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件43张PPT。【美文阅读】  School years in different countries 当你正在享受假期的时候,世界上有些国家的孩子却还在学校里学习。由于地域、文化、时区的差异,在世界上不同的国家,学校里的学制、假期及课程安排等也形式各异。Australia Students in Australia attend school for 200 days a year. Their school year lasts from late January to late November. Since Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere(半球), it experiences summer while it's winter in China. Summer vacation for Australian students is from December to late January. The school year in Australia is divided into four terms, with each term lasting 9 to 11 weeks. Students then have two weeks of vacation between each term. The typical school day is from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and lunch is eaten at school. Students are required to attend school for at least nine years.France The school day in France typically runs from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a half day on Saturday. Lunch is a two-hour break for public school students. Students usually attend school from the age of 6 to 18. The school year lasts from August to June, and is divided into four seven-week terms. Students in the primary grades learn basic skills in reading, writing, and math, as well as participate(参与) in exercises to develop observation,imagination, and physical abilities. Older students study French, math, physical and natural sciences, foreign language, history, etc. Japan Most Japanese schools run on a trimester(三学期制) schedule. The school year begins in April and ends in the following March, with summer, winter and spring holidays to separate the three terms. Uniforms are required and there are many rules for hairstyles, shoes, socks, skirt length, etc. Students in Japan study academic subjects, such as Japanese language, math, reading, social studies, and they also receive moral(道德的) education. Moral education involves teaching students about health and safety, understanding and confidence, public manners, and environmental awareness. From:http://www.factmonster. com教师用书独具演示●教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。●教学地位 本单元是新高一的第一课,上好这一课至关重要,会给学生留下非常深刻的印象。刚刚进入高中,所以学生很期待“高中生活到底是什么样子?高中的英语课怎样上?”通过第一课介绍“英国的高中生活”,让学生大致了解英国的高中生活,从而对自己的高中生活充满期待。●新课导入建议 通过三个问题引发学生思考: Question 1: “Are you happy with your Junior Middle School? Why or why not?” Question 2: “What is your dream school life like?” Question 3: “Do you want to know the school life in other countries, such as in the UK?”演示结束 Ⅰ.篇章结构 阅读P2-3的课文,完成下列表格【答案】 1.hours 2.assembly 3.teachers 4.size 5.Subjects 6.stop studying 7.activities 8.Different 9.feelings 10.experienceⅡ.语篇理解 阅读P2-3的课文,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案 1.Which of the following statements is ... ...

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