

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:61次 大小:54750Byte 来源:二一课件通
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完形填空 It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee. I was about 13. Paul was the same ____1____ as me, his sister Renee was two years younger, and they lived in France. I was keen(热衷的)on learning languages, so I was ____2____ when my French teacher assigned(分配)us pen pals. It was quite a(n) ____3____ to get a letter from a foreign country, so I ____4____ receiving their reply. They weren’t good at English, so after six months, we were all writing in ____5____, which helped me acquire a good knowledge of the language. I decided to go to France on holiday in 1949 to ____6____ them. The family ____7____ me well, and I visited several times in the years that followed. The first time I met Renee, she ____8____me up at the station, and we hit it off straight away. I never got to meet Paul. Renee wrote to me and ____9____ me that he had died shortly after joining the army. Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our friendship became ____10____. We talked about our families, our ____11____ and our troubles in life. After that I moved to South Africa for a while, married, had children, and changed jobs. Throughout all this, we ____12____ writing letters. I’m 93 now and I still write to Renee. She has difficulty writing now, so she phones me to ____13____. Most people don’t seem to have the ____14____ for letters anymore, but it gives me great pleasure to write. And this is the most valuable ____15____ I have ever had. 1.A.interest B.dream C.height D.age 2.A.frightened B.pleased C.awkward D.annoyed 3.A.arrangement B.thing C.problem D.debate 4.A.looked forward to B.was attracted to C.signed up for D.took control of 5.A.Spain B.English C.French D.German 6.A.help B.praise C.check D.meet 7.A.treated B.fitted C.knew D.protected 8.A.picked B.called C.brought D.held 9.A.assured B.informed C.contacted D.calmed 10.A.calmer B.deeper C.flatter D.shorter 11.A.memories B.kids C.organizations D.hobbies 12.A.kept B.stopped C.avoided D.recommended 13.A.explore B.remember C.revise D.reply 14.A.request B.concern C.time D.place 15.A.adventure B.tradition C.friendship D.trip A few years ago, I was leaving the dog kennel(养狗场) where I worked, only to find a baby goat at the end of the driveway. The kennel’s owners are animal rescuers, and I thought someone____16____him over the fence. The kid was____17____nervous but stood perfectly still as I got closer. I’m an animal____18____and I’ve brought home dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and fish, but never a goat. The tiny kid was too____19____for me to leave it behind. I____20____him Quincy and bottle- fed him in my bathroom. Quincy proved to be quite____21____. When he was about a week old, I tapped my fingers on the floor and said “____22____” I was amazed when he dropped down. I was even more amazed when he did it three times____23____. A quick study, Quincy learned to lie down, bow, and turn in a circle in ... ...

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