
Unit6 What's Anne doing Lesson3 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:79次 大小:1421662Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Unit6 What is Anne doing --Lesson3 主备人 授课人 教学目标、重难点、教具准备:教学目标语言能力:1.能够理解并自主完成Part E部分的练习。3.能够熟练掌握辅音字母组合dr的发音规则并拼读相关单词。4.能够熟练系统地掌握本单元的四会单词及重点句型,用英文大胆自信地表达正在做的事,独立自主的完成教课后习题。思维品质:1.通过教师的指示和引领,学生能够进行独立自主思考,提升高阶思维品质。2.通过文本的迁移,引导学生掌握如何把书本内容变成自己知识的能力。3.学生能够有时间管理意识,知道不同时间该做不同的事,学会尊重他人。学习能力:1.学生能够在课堂活动中,锻炼表演及表达能力。2.学生能够在小组合作中,提升表达能力和合作能力。3.学生能够在教师的引领带动下,通过观察和思考,增强语言表达欲望和能力。教学重点及难点重点:1.自主灵活运用人称代词和现在进行时对不同人物正在做的事进行准确表达。2.完成E部分Let’s read and write.3.辅音字母组合dr的发音规则。难点:根据实际情况运用不同人称代词对正在做的事进行准确表达。新单词:辅音字母组合dr的发音规则。教具准备PPT, Vocabulary cards,相关音频、视频资料 教学过程:Step 1 Preparation (7 min) 1.Greeting and Enjoy the chant2.Let’s reviewT:Please read aloud the words you can see.Ss:Skipping,running,watching,playing......(播放第4-5页PPT,请学生大声读单词)Step 2 Presentation (20 min)1.Let’s actT gives the Vocabulary cards to students.The students who gets the cards act out the action according to the card. Then asks one student to come to the stage to be a little teacher. The little teacher asks “What is he/she doing ” What are they Ss answer the questions. (播放第6页PPT,开展Let’s act 活动。) 设计意图:利用TPR教学法,将重点单词和句型融入游戏中进行复现输出,鼓励学生积极参与课堂,有助于提升学生的学习兴趣。2.Let’s read and write.Look at the picture and answer.T:Who can you see Ss:We can see Mary, peter, Nancy, Tom and Mike T:Now, can you tell me where they are Ss:They are on the playground. T:Good, let’s watch the video and answer me what they are doing now.Let’s watch the video.T:Can you give me the answer What are they doing now T: Yeah!In this video ,we can see the children on the playground. What is Mary doing now Ss:She is running.T:What is Pete/Nancy doing Ss:He is playing football./She is skipping.T:What are they doing Tom and Mike.Ss:They are playing table tennis.Let’s read and write.Ss observe the picture and write down the answersMary is _____.Mike is _____.Peter is _____.Nancy is _____.(播放PPT8-16,学生通过观察、视频、阅读文本等方式完成阅读部分的练习。)3.Let’s chant.The children are on the playground.Maybe they are having PE. Now look at the boys. What are they doing Ss:They are drawing.T:What are they drawing Do you know it Ss:I don’t know.T:Let’s watch the video and find the answer.Ss:They are drawing...............Let’s spell,then let’s read. T:Let’s watch the video and say the chant together.(播放PPT18-20,学生逐一拼读单词并看视频跟读chant)Step 3 Practice (10 min) T: Now please open the book and let’s have fun, finish the exercise on this page.Step 4 Homework (2 min)1. 跟读课文F部分的歌谣;2. ... ...

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