
牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Integrated skills课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:31次 大小:126200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 必修三 Unit 4 New words-2 1. penicillin/ pen s l n/ n. 青霉素,盘尼西林 2. *mould /m ld/ (AmE mold) n. 霉菌;模具;类型 vt. 浇铸;塑造 3. *bacteria /b k t ri / n. (sing. bacterium)细菌 单数:bacterium bacterial. adj. 细菌的 4. surround /s ra nd/ vt. 围绕,环绕;包围;与…紧密相关 surround... with... 用...包围... 环湖都是树。The trees surround the lake. sb/sth be surrounded by/with... 某人/某物被...围绕/包围(常省去be,在句中做状语或后置定语) 湖边树木环绕。The lake is surrounded by the trees. Surrounded by the enemies, he was still struggling. surrounding . adj. 周围的,附近的 周围地区:surrounding area surroundings . n . 环境[pl.](=environment) 在愉快的环境中工作:work in pleasant surroundings 5. indicate / nd ke t/ vt. 表明;暗示;提及;指出 indicate sth to sb 向某人提及某事 他在信中向我们提及他愿意接受邀请。 In his letter he indicated to us that he was willing to accept the invitation. indicate that+宾语从句 表明..., 显示... 这个研究表明吸烟有害健康。 The research indicates that smoking is harmful to health. indication . n. 暗示[C,U] 6. accident / ks d nt/ n. 意外,偶然的事;事故,意外遭遇 traffic accident 交通事故 by accident 偶然,意外地 = by chance 我偶然间发现了这个秘密。 I discovered this secret by accident. accidental. adj. 意外的;偶然的 accidentally . adv. 意外地;偶然地 7. intelligent / n tel d nt/ adj. 有才智的,聪明的;有智力的 一个聪明的女孩:an intelligent girl intelligence . n. 智力;智能[U] artificial intelligence 人工智能 (AI) : unintelligent. adj. 不聪明的 8. favour / fe v (r)/ (AmE favor) vt. 较喜欢;偏袒;有助于 n. 帮助,好事;赞同;偏袒 do sb a favour = do a favour for sb 帮某人的忙 你能帮我个忙吗?Can/Could you do me a favour ask sb a favour = ask a favour of sb 请求某人帮忙 May I ask you a favour /May I ask a favour of you in favour of... 支持... 你支持这个提议吗? Are you in favour of this proposal in sb’s favour 对某人有利 目前形势对我们有利。This situation is in our favour at the moment. favourable .adj. 赞同的;有利的(favourable comments 好评) favoured . adj .受到宠爱的;得到偏爱的 favourite . adj. 特别受喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人/事物 v. 偏袒;较喜欢:He always favours his youngest child. 9. politician / p l t n/ n. 政治家,从政者;投机钻营者 (常作贬义) politics. n. 政治学 political. adj. 政治的 statesman. n. 政治家,治国之才(褒义) 10. *lightning / la tn / n. 闪电 一道闪电:a flash of lightning thunder. n. 雷 11. electricity / lek tr s ti/ n. 电,电能 electricity supply 电力供应 electric. adj. 电的 (电流:electric current) electrical. adj. 电的(电气设备:electrical equipment) electronic. adj . 电子的(电子设备: electronic device) 12. theory/ θ ri/ n.学说,论;原理;看法,意见 我们应当把理论应用到实践上。 We should apply theory to practice. in theory 理论上;按理说 13. thunderstorm/ θ nd st m/ n.雷雨,雷暴 thunder+storm 14. *ribbon / r b n/ n. 带子,丝带;带状物 15. metal / metl/ n. 金属 a piece of metal 一块金属 16. charge /t ɑ d / ... ...

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