
牛津译林版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 3 Getting Along with Others Reading课件(共46张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:99次 大小:312854Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Language Points Reading Unit 3 Getting along with others. Read this passage Friendship on the rocks: please advise! and then find the problem that Amy is facing. Fast reading Her best friend, Jenny, lied to her and broke her heart. How did Amy's problem develop Let's retell the plot line of Amy's problem. Task There is a plot line in Amy's telling of her problem. Usually a plot line is made up of five elements: Task setting(背景) rising action climax(高潮) falling action ending(结局) Conflict Turning point Details in the plot line Setting Amy and her best friend have been close _____, but Amy found her friend _____ last Saturday. Rising action Amy and her bestie planned to _____, but Amy _____the appointment due to her friend's claim of _____. Climax On Monday Amy was told her friend was seen _____ last Saturday afternoon. Falling action Amy was _____ and _____ her friend during school all day. Amy felt _____ and _____ and got two replies of suggestions. Ending Not given in the text. for eight years broke her heart see a film cancelled having a cold chatting with another girl angry avoided at a loss asked for advice online What suggestions are offered in the replies Discussion Cindy: David: Save the friendship because eight years is a long time. Rethink this friendship and if necessary, move on. I would take Cindy's advice. It will be a bit quick to say goodbye to an eight-year friendship with my best friend simply because of a misunderstanding. I am sure she would give me a reasonable explanation. After a heart-to-heart talk, I believe Amy and her friend will be what they were before. Whose advice do you prefer Why What helpful advice can you offer Amy Unit 3 This part is about the language points in the text. After the introduction to the usage of some important words and phrases and the analysis of the sentences, students are supposed to master the usage of the important words. 1. Friendship on the rocks:(title) n. 岩石,石头 n. rock music 摇滚乐 n. a person who is emotionally strong and who you can rely on. 可信赖的人;靠山 v. to move gently 轻轻摇晃 The boat rocked from side to side in the waves. Unit 3 on the rocks: a relationship or business that is on the rocks is having difficulties and is likely to fail soon(关系或生意)陷于困境,濒临崩溃 _____(fortunate), her marriage is ___ the rocks. My deskmate _____(rock) backwards and forwards in his seat when the teacher came in. Practice makes perfect. Unfortunately on was rocking 2. When I was an awkward primary school student, … (Line 1-2) adj. making you feel embarrassed 令人尴尬的 adj. difficult to deal with 难对付的 I came across an awkward customer. adj. not convenient 不方便的 Have I come at an awkward time Unit 3 awkwardness; awkwardly 1. There was _____ awkward silence. 2. She fell _____(awkward) and broke her ankle. 3. She laughed to cover up her feeling of _____(awkward). Practice makes perfect. an awkwardly awkwar ... ...

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