
剑桥国际少儿英语2级 Unit 2 Back to school 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:90次 大小:6719744Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Back to school STELLA: Hello, Alex. Hello, Lenny. How are you ALEX AND LENNY: Fine, thanks. MEERA: Is this your classroom, Simon SIMON: Yes. MEERA: Who’s that on the board SIMON: That’s my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler. LENNY: That’s nice. My ruler’s on my desk. STELLA: Are your school books in the bookcase SIMON: No, they’re in the cupboard. Our teacher’s here now. STELLA AND MEERA: Oops. How many desks are there Listen and point. This is my classroom. How many desks are there There are a lot of desks. That's my desk next to the bookcase. There's a long pink ruler on it.There are a lot of books in the bookcase.Theres a big whiteboard on the wall.There's a computer, but there isn't a television. There are pencils in the classroom, yes there are. There's a cupboard on the pencils, yes there is. There's a ruler on the cupboard. There's a bookcase on the ruler. There's a teacher on the bookcase, yes there is. Sorry I’m late. That’s okay. Sit down please. Can we come in, please Yes, come in. Can I have a pencil please Yes, of course. Here you are. Thank you. Can you spell ruler, please Yes, r-u-l-e-r. Can you open the window, please Yes, of course. After you. Thank you. Questions ① There is a door next to the cupboard. _____ ② There is a board on the wall. _____ ③ There are two tables under the board. _____ ④ There is a ruler on the bookcase. _____ ⑤There are two cars under the desk. _____

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