
Unit 7 What can I do?教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:45次 大小:13287Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《Unit 7 What can I do 》第一课时 一.教学目标: 1.Language ability: (1)词汇:能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词和短语an old woman, help old people on the road, make tea,make cakes, clean their homes, make them happy, weak, slow 。 (2)句型:能用句型“I can…”表达自己可以提供哪些帮助。 2.learning ability: (1)能用句型“I can…”表达自己可以提供哪些帮助。 (2)能够在操练中熟练地运用所学的单词和短语。 3.Thought quality: (1)大胆地使用英语进行交际,培养合作精神和创新意识,激发对英语学习的兴趣。 (2)能够懂得主动关心、帮助老人,为老人提供力所能及的帮助,营造尊老、敬老的良好氛围。 二.教学重难点: 1.教学重点: (1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写新单词和短语an old woman, help old people on the road, make tea,make cakes, clean their homes, make them happy, weak, slow 。 (2)能用句型“I can…”表达自己可以提供哪些帮助。 2.教学难点:能正确理解短语an old woman中an的用法。 三.教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings. 2.Enjoy a song:what can I do T: what’s the song about 3.揭示并板书课题 Step 2 Presentation 1.教学短语an old woman (1)播放视频,提问:What’s the video about 师:What can we do that that day (2)课件出示一张老奶奶的图片,让学生猜测她的年龄 T:Can you guess how old is she (3)学生试着用英语称呼她,引出短语an old woman 思考:为什么old前面要用an?(an+元音a e i o u) (4)指名读,教师范读,正音,男女生分读(比一比谁读的更大声、更好) (5)出示一张老爷爷的图片,提问:Who is he 引导学生说出短语an old man,同时出示老爷爷和老奶奶的图片,引出短语 old people 2.学习单词weak,slow (1)出示图片,提问:Is he strong T: No, he is weak. (2)引出单词weak,带读正音、齐读 (3)提问:Can he run fast No,he can’t. He is slow. (4)引出单词slow,带读正音、齐读 师:old people are weak and slow. (5)Game: Left and right hand(根据教师左右手所出示的单词卡,快速说出单词) 3.教师呈现Part B的图片,引导学生根据图片说说能为老年人提供什么帮助 观看视频,创设情境(营造关爱老人的氛围) T: Let’s help the old people and care about them.So what can I do for the old people (1)教学help old people on the road ①出示图片,提问:What do they do ②引出短语,指名读,教师范读,正音 ③Game: High and low voice(大小声游戏) (2)教学make tea ①课件出示茶叶的图片,提问:What’s this ②出示图片并描述:What does she do ③引出短语,指名读,教师范读,正音,学生领读 (3)巩固所学的两个单词和三个短语 Game: 击鼓传花(音乐停,拿到花的同学读出老师所指的单词和短语) (4)教学make cakes ①播放视频,提问:What does the video about ②出示图片并描述:What do they do ③引出短语,教师范读,正音,同桌互读 (5)教学clean their homes ①回顾clean the windows ②课件出示图片,描述:What does he do ③引出短语,教师范读,正音,开小火车读 (6)巩固所学的两个短语 Game: 击掌游戏(教师说出传递的短语,学生往后击掌传递并说出单词,看看哪个组最快完成) (7)教学make them happy ①课件出示图片,提问:What does she do ②播放欢乐的音乐,让学生描述一下自己的感受 师:优美的歌声能让人感到愉悦、开心 ③引出短语,教师范读,正音 ④Game: 钢琴游戏(教师通过手位高低决定学生齐读单词的音量大小) Step 3 Practice 1. Game: Golden finger(金手指游戏) 2. Game: Who is quicker ... ...

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