

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:80529Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 湖南省娄底市双峰县2022-2023学年六年级下学期英语4月期中试卷 一、用正确的格式抄写下列短语和句子。( 10分) (2023六下·双峰期中)用正确的格式抄写下列短语。 1.wash our hands 2.plant trees 3.play the piano 4.do exercise every day 5.(2023六下·双峰期中)Some stories are more interesting. 二、选出不同类的一项。(10 分) (2023六下·双峰期中)选出不同类的一项。 6. A.Earth B.Friday C.Monday 7. A.ride B.cinema C.watch 8. A.park B.grandparent C.school 9. A.dance B.sing C.together 10. A.went B.saw C.drop 三、单项选择(10分) 11.(2023六下·双峰期中)Planting trees is good us. A.with B.for C.of 12.(2023六下·双峰期中)Tree Planting Day is on the 12th . A.January B.March C.May 13.(2023六下·双峰期中)My family go on outing on Sundays. A.a B.an C.the 14.(2023六下·双峰期中)Our Earth looks this in space. A.like B.likes C.liking 15.(2023六下·双峰期中)We should learn to take care of . A.our B.us C.ourselves 四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(10分) 16.(2023六下·双峰期中)I want to be (健康的). 17.(2023六下·双峰期中)Trees can   (保持) the air clean. 18.(2023六下·双峰期中)The boy rides a bike    (高兴地). 19.(2023六下·双峰期中)Yesterday Peter went to the (太空) Museum. 20.(2023六下·双峰期中)We should wash our face and (身体) every day. 五、情景交际。(10分) 21.(2023六下·双峰期中)地球的样子怎么描述? A.The Earth looks like a ball. B.Animals and plants can live on the Earth. 22.(2023六下·双峰期中)吃饭之前我们应该怎么做? A.We should do exercise every day. B.We should wash our hands before eating. 23.(2023六下·双峰期中)树木对环境的影响是怎么样的? A.Trees can make the place beautiful. B.Trees can keep us hot. 24.(2023六下·双峰期中)比起唱歌,我更喜欢跳舞怎么说? A.I like dancing more than singing. B.I like running more than swimming. 25.(2023六下·双峰期中)"彼得一家在周末外出游玩。"怎么翻译? A.Peter's family goes on an outing at weekends. B.Peter's family goes shopping on Sundays. 六、阅读短文,判断正误(10分) (2023六下·双峰期中)阅读短文,判断正误。 At weekends, many families go on an outing. Some go to the parks. Some go to the shopping centers. Mr Liu likes to take his family to the beach for a swim and a picnic.They enjoy the day there. They like to swim in the sea and relax on the sandy beach. His daughter likes to play games on the beach. Mrs Liu brings sandwiches, cakes and drinks for the family. They are happy to have time together. They have lots of fun and they love each other more. 26.Many families go shopping at weekends. 27.Mr Lin's family has a picnic at the park. 28.Mr Lin's daughter doesn't like to play on the beach. 29.Mr Lin brings food and drinks. 30.They love each other more. 答案解析部分 【答案】1.wash our hands 2.plant trees 3.play the piano 4.do exercise every day 【知识点】单词拼写 【解析】【点评】本题考查了抄写题,注意牢记单词与单词的距离。 1.词义:洗我们的手,书写时,注意小 ... ...

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