
Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty? 一课一练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:50次 大小:118911Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit1 一课一练 一、单选题 1.— Who is_____ —_____is Joe speaking. A.this; That B.that; This C.that; That 2.Would you like_____ to the zoo A.go B.to go C.going 3.His father_____ him a phone last weekend. A.buy B.buys C.bought 4._____ read too many e-books on the mobile phone. A.Do B.Be C.Don't 5.Reading books in the sun is bad_____ our eyes. A.for B.in C.to 6.Hello, _____ I speak to my mother A.may B.why C.how 7.— Thank you. — _____. A.You are welcome B.OK C.Yes 8.What _____ he say A.do B.does C.didn't 9.Sorry, she is out. Can I _____ a message A.make B.made C.take 10.You shouldn't _____. It's bad for your eyes. A.go to school B.make a phone call C.read e-books 二、判断题 11.I can watch news on the mobile phone.( ) 12.I'm listening to music. ( ) 13.He can make a phone call. ( ) 14.Jim is playing games on the mobile phone. ( ) 15.She'll send an e-mail to her mother. ( ) 三、语法填空 16.I can take    (photo) with the mobile phone. 17.She uses her mobile phone    (send) messages. 18.Could you please    (take) a message 19.You shouldn't    (speak) to your classmates like that. 20.I   (call) you yesterday, but you didn't answer. 四、选词填空(词汇运用) 21.Mom,     (can/could) I have a mobile phone 22.Mobile phones are very     (useful/use). 23.I'll only     (use/useful) it to make phone calls and learn English. 24.I have three mobile     (phone/phones). 五、补全对话 25.补全对话 A. Sounds good. B. This is Mr. Black. C. What a fine day! I don't want to play a game. I like to play in the park. Li Ming: Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black Mr. Black:     Li Ming: I want to play a game with you, OK Mr. Black:     Li Ming:     26.补全对话 A. This is Colin speaking. B. I will go on a picnic. C. I will go shopping. D. Really Thank you. E. Would you like to play tennis Li Ming: May I speak to Colio Colio:     Who is that Li Ming: This is Li Ming. What will you do tomorrow Colio:     What about you Li Ming:     Colio: OK. Li Ming:     Colio: Sorry, I can't play tennis. Li Ming: I can teach you. Colio:     Li Ming: You are welcome. 六、连词成句 27.speak, Kitty, to, I, May ( )(连词成句)     28.take, Can, a, message, I ( )(连词成句)     29.use, make, to, calls, I, won't, it, phone (.)(连词成句)     七、阅读理解 30.阅读短文,判断正误。 My parents bought me a new computer last week. I felt very happy. I often go on the Internet after I finish my homework. On the Internet, I read e-books and learn a lot of knowledge. When I am tired, I can listen to music to relax(放松). But after my friend taught me how to play the computer games, I fell in love with(爱上) them. I can't control(控制) myself. My parents tell me not to play too many computer games. It's bad for my eyes and health. Or they will take the computer away. So I will use the computer to learn and relax from now on. I won't use it to play computer games. (1)My parent ... ...

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