

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:72次 大小:31657Byte 来源:二一课件通
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贵州省2021-2022学年7月高中学业水平考试英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 With sunshine and beaches, Hainan is a good choice for travelers. Its Tropical Rainforest National Park is a paradise for animals and plants. If you go there, what can you enjoy Animals The park is home to 540 kinds of animals. Among them are Hainan gibbons (长臂猿), one of the world’s most endangered species. Hainan gibbons look like monkeys, but they have no tails. They usually eat fruits and leaves from more than 130 kinds of plants, mostly in treetops 15 meters above the ground. Plants The park is a “live museum” of plants. More than 3,600 kinds of wild plants grow there. It is also home to 133 kinds of national key protected plants. Cycas hainanensis is an example. It has big, feather-like leaves. It grows slowly, but can live up to 200 years. This ancient species probably was around when dinosaurs lived on earth. Culture The Li and Miao ethnic (民族的) groups have lived in the park for generations, mainly in the central Wuzhishan area. From their houses to their clothes, you can taste their culture. Li and Miao people live in houses that look like upside-down boats. To keep away animals like snakes and ants, they build their houses above the ground. 1.What do Hainan gibbons usually eat A.Meat and fruits. B.Fruits and leaves. C.Meat and vegetables. D.Vegetables and insects. 2.Why do Li and Miao people build their houses above the ground A.To get close to nature. B.To protect wild plants. C.To bathe in the sunshine. D.To keep away some animals. 3.In which section of a magazine may this text appear A.Music. B.History. C.Travel. D.Education. One evening in December 2021, I stood on the stage and received a special award given to our team for our performance in the Model United Nations (MUN) (模拟联合国) Conference. The conference allows students to role-play as UN delegates (代表) to understand how the UN works and how the international relations develop. Behind the honor of the award was sweat on our own. When I was told that we had to add some details to our report presentation (展示), I was quite surprised and nervous, because it would make our presentation much more difficult. Fortunately, we finished our presentation thanks to everyone’s efforts. However, when the time of the conference came, something unknown happened. The placement of the tables and chairs upset us a lot. What was worse, the newest PPT with the background music was deleted on the computer. What was shown was only the original (原来的) PPT. We could only give our speeches based on our previous knowledge, with no PPT prompts to guide us. In the end, we did very well. From the first introduction to the final speech, every part was excellent. During the public review period, many judges walked over to give us praises. As one of our players said, the MUNers are confident and always moving forward. It was this honor that strengthened my determination to ca ... ...

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