
【精品解析】上海新世纪版高中英语高一上册Module 1单元测验

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:11次 大小:110299Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    上海新世纪版高中英语高一上册Module 1单元测验 一、单选题 1.When looking at those famous paintings, you can't help _____ them. A.admiring B.regard C.imagining D.fascinate 2.While shooting for the film Zhang Ailing, Liu Ruoying was so _____ the part that it took her a long time _____ herself again. A.satisfied with / to be B.involved in / to be C.attracted in / being D.interested in / being 3.This book is not mine. Perhaps it _____ him. A.belongs B.belongs to C.is belonged to D.is belonged by 4.My mother cares much about my studies like _____. A.any other mothers B.other mothers C.any mother D.any other mother 5.He lived _____ in a(n) _____ house in the country. A.alone / alone B.lonely / alone C.alone / lonely D.lonely/ lonely 6.The students in our school _____ a team to challenge our sister school in chess. A.make up B.consist of C.are made up of D.are composed of 7.After more than 30 movies and two Oscar Awards, Danzel Washington is recognized as one of Hollywood's _____ actors. A.leading B.fascinated C.satisfied D.overseas 8._____ I saw her in the office, Miss Ma was checking our homework carefully. A.Every time B.For every time C.At each time D.Every time when 9.All the characters in the book are _____and the writer is _____. A.imaginary, imaginative B.imaginary, imaginable C.imaginative, imaginable D.imaginable, imaginary 10.By the time you _____from Beijiao School in three years, you will have got a lot to recall. A.graduate B.are graduated C.will graduate D.will be graduated 11.It is ten weeks _____he posted his application form to the company. However, he hasn't got any reply. A.that B.since C.before D.when 12.During the period of recent terrorist activities, people _____ not to touch any unattended bag. A.had always been asked B.are always being asked C.are always asking D.always asked 13.Fred surprised everyone when he _____ the offer of promotion. A.turned away B.turned back C.turned down D.turned over 14.To tell you the truth, I could imagine ___ you felt at the disappointing result. A.what B.whatever C.how D.however 15.It is ruled that the students should ____ in school uniforms and ____ school badges at school. A.wear / dress B.are wearing / put on C.be dressed / wear D.be dressed / having on 16.Joan is one of the best writers who ____ published a lot of books. A.has B.have C.have been D.are 17.Being a policeman involves _____ bad guys. A.fighting with B.fighting for C.to fight against D.to fight by 18.There _____ a lake in the distance. Oh, yeah! A.seem to have B.seem to be C.seems to have D.seems to be 19.I don't throw the coke bottle away because it can _____ beautiful vases. A.be made of B.be made from C.be made into D.be made up of 20.The performance of the artists was so wonderful that it attracted _____. A.many audience B.a large audience C.large audience D.much audience 21.After ten years of training, she was _____ of judging _ ... ...

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