

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:27次 大小:103562Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 河北省保定市唐县通用2022年六年级下学期小学英语毕业调研试卷 一、读一读,写单词,根据提示完成句子。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.(2022六下·唐县)Summer is hot. I like the     (风扇). 2.(2022六下·唐县)Let's make a    (脸) on the snowman. 3.(2022六下·唐县)Where is the    (厨房) 4.(2022六下·唐县)I    (穿) my dress in summer. 5.(2022六下·唐县)    (紧接着;下一个的), he eats fast food for lunch. 6.(2022六下·唐县)Jenny's father is a bus d    7.(2022六下·唐县)An apple is light. A durian(榴莲) is h    8.(2022六下·唐县)When you can't understand(明白) a story, you can read it a   . 9.(2022六下·唐县)I want to wash my shoes because they are d   . 10.(2022六下·唐县)This p    is for Li Ming. Today is his birthday. 二、选词填空。(本题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.(2022六下·唐县)Are these    (you/ your) books 12.(2022六下·唐县)   (Before/ After) I go to school, 1 have breakfast. 13.(2022六下·唐县)l do my homework in the     (study/ bathroom). 14.(2022六下·唐县)— How   (many/ often) do you eat eggs — Every day. 15.(2022六下·唐县)It's raining. I need an   (umbrella/ cake). 16.(2022六下·唐县)Eat too much ice cream is    (good/ bad ) for your health. 17.(2022六下·唐县)Please come here   (early/ late), we will begin at 8:00. 18.(2022六下·唐县)I like to    (swim/ make a snowman) in December. 19.(2022六下·唐县)"Can I help you "     (Asked/ Answered) the man. 20.(2022六下·唐县)I    (get up/ go to sleep) at 6:30 in the morning. 三、单选。(本题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分) 21.(2022六下·唐县)_____Kim always go to school by bus A.Do B.Does C.Did D.Doing 22.(2022六下·唐县)We should _____our winter coat and hat in winter. A.put up B.take off C.put on D.take 23.(2022六下·唐县)Christmas is a Western holiday. People will not _____. A.have Santa B.have Christmas trees C.sing Christmas song D.get lucky money 24.(2022六下·唐县)He wants to buy _____milk. A.some B.any C.a D.an 25.(2022六下·唐县)— What's _____in the sky — It's a bird. A.this B.that C.these D.those 26.(2022六下·唐县)Kim is coming, she went to the shop and_____ some juice. A.buy B.buys C.bought D.buyed 27.(2022六下·唐县)Tom often comes to school_____ Li Ming. A.with B.for C.and D.to 28.(2022六下·唐县)_____ is exercise. A.Run B.Runs C.Running D.Runing 29.(2022六下·唐县)Jenny is reading a book_____. A.now B.yesterday C.tomorrow D.often 30.(2022六下·唐县)—_____gifts do you need — I need eleven gifts. A.How much B.How many C.How long. D.How 31.(2022六下·唐县)— What time is it — It's_____ A.fifteen past five B.four fifty C.four o'clock' D.four fifteen 32.(2022六下·唐县)Danny _____very happy last week. A.is B.are C.was D.were 33.(2022六下·唐县)The boy is going to_____ a football game. A.watch B.watches C.watched D.watching 34.(2022六下·唐县)It's 7 ... ...

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