ID: 16009832

Unit 3 Let's live a low carbon life Lesson9(含答案)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:39次 大小:21504B 来源:二一课件通
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第三单元第九课课堂练习 1,情景选择(每题2分,共10分) 1.当你想知道今天是几月几号,你会问:_____. A.What’s the date today B.What day is it today 2.你告诉你的外国朋友今天是世界地球日,你会说:_____. A.Today is World Earth Day. B.Today is World Day. 3.你想知道你朋友的哥哥怎么去上学,你会问:_____ A.How does your sister go to school B.How does he go to school 4.你建议我们应该停止使用塑料袋,你会说:_____ A.We should stop using plastic bags. B. We should stop using water. 5.告诉你的朋友们不要乱丢垃圾,你会说:_____ A.Don’t litter in public. B.Don’t touch them. 二,选择最佳选项(每题2分,共20分) 1. Guoguo: Mum, what's the date today Mum: It's April 22nd. It's _____. A.World Earth Day B.Tree Planting Day C.Children’s Day D.Spring Festival 2. It_____ people to protect the environment. A.tell B.tells C.told D.telling 3.Moon: How _____your dad_____ to work every day Smith:He often goes to work by bus. does B. does does C. does do do 4.To protect the environment ,we should stop_____plastic bags . A.uses B.use C.using use 5.What do we need to_____ the lawn clean and tidy A.keep B.kept C.keeping D.have keep 6.Guoguo: I think we need more trashcans_____ the roadside. A.under B.on 7.Children’s Day is on_____. A.July B.June C.May D.January 8.To protect the earth, we should_____. A.use plastic bags B.use more water C.plant more trees car go to work 9.Women’s Day is on_____. A.March 22nd B.March 8th C.April 22nd D. June first 10.If you live in Beijing, you want to go to Tian Tan park, you can take_____. A.boat B.foot C.bus D.plane 三,阅读理解,并完成连线(每题5分,共20分) Name Way to protect the earth Taotao We should plan more trees and put more trashcans by the rodeside. Jingjing We shouldn’t litter in public places and stop using plastic bags. sandna We shouldn’t wast water and electricity Mott We should walk ,ride a bike or take the bus go to school or work. Mott put more trashcans Taotao shouldn’t litter in public places Jingjing shouldn’t wast electricity Sandna ride a bike go to school or work 答案: 一, A A B A A 二, A B C A D B C B 三,1--4 2--1 3--2 4--

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