
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Listening , Reading and Thinking语言点课件(共55张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:14次 大小:627761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Listening and Speaking, Reading and Thinking —Language points Wildlife Protection Unit 2 Ⅰ.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。 Step 1 Prepare for the Lesson (1)a movie _____(海报) (2)_____(非法的) drugs (3)go _____(打猎) (4)come _____(立即) (5)endangered _____(物种) (6)a dangerous _____(鲨鱼) (7)on _____(究竟;到底) (8)_____ out (灭绝;逐渐消失) poster illegal hunting immediately species earth die shark (9)an _____ clock (闹钟) (10)at the _____(比率,速度) of (11)the _____(灭绝的) species (12)a _____(大量) of rice (13)panda’s _____(栖息地) (14)be _____ of (意识到) (15)above the _____(平均) (16)make _____(进步) mass alarm rate extinct habitat aware average progress Ⅰ.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。 (17)be _____(关切的) about (18)make a _____ (谋生) (19)_____(适应) to (20)take _____(措施) to do (21)the local _____(当局;官方) (22)under _____(压力) (23)a blue _____(鲸) (24)a nature _____(保护区) authority pressure whale reserve Ⅰ.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。 concerned living adapt measures (25)_____(提醒) sb. of sth. (26)_____(射击) at a bird (27)make great _____(利润) (28)_____ over (照管;保护) (29)be under _____(攻击) (30)_____(恢复) oneself (31)_____(去除) one’s clothes (32)_____(想要) to to sth. attack recover remove intend Ⅰ.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语。 remind shoot watch profit Ⅱ. 选词填空 on earth; adapt to; on average; die out; make progress; be aware of, under pressure; remind sb. of sth.; be concerned about; watch over (1) The old customs are _____ and new ones are coming into being. (2) What _____ are you doing (3) He got rid of his bad habits and _____ rapidly. (4) Although he is already 90 years old, he is still _____ the growth of teenagers. (5) _____, each report requires 5 hours to prepare. dying out on earth made progress concerned about On average (6) We are _____ the potential problems and have taken measures. (7) Can you continue working effeciently _____ (8) The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to _____ the change. (9) The old photos _____ me ____ my happy childhood. (10) The guards were hired to _____ the houses as they were being built. aware of under pressure adapt to reminded of watch over Ⅱ. 选词填空 on earth; adapt to; on average; die out; make progress; be aware of, under pressure; remind sb. of sth.; be concerned about; watch over Have a dictation about words and expressions. Step 2 Warming Up (1) For most of the archaeologists,it was really alarming news. 对大多数考古学家来说,这确实是令人惊恐的消息。 (2) She turned around in alarm when the door opened. 当门打开时,她惊恐地转过身。 (3) Everybody was alarmed at/by the news that war might break out. 大家听到战争可能爆发的消息都感到恐慌。 (4) The boy was alarmed to see the bear walking to him. 这个男孩看到熊走向他,很是惊慌。 1. alarming adj. 引起恐慌的;令人担忧的 Key Words ... ...

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