
人教版(2019)必修二Unit 5 Music Writing—Write a speech课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:94次 大小:441547Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Music 应用文写作:写演讲稿 Writing—Write a Speech How to write a speech 1. 称呼:点明听众,可以是: Ladies and gentlemen Fellow students Distinguished guests Mr Chairman Honorable judges Boys and girls 基本框架结构分三部分 2. 主体:点明主题,分析问题,根据问题提出具体解决方法: 该部分常分两段来写: 第一段指出演讲主题; 第二段分析具体问题,并给出解决办法。 How to write a speech 3. 结尾: 要简洁,回扣主题,发起倡议。 要总结概况,提出期望,表达感谢。 要调论点,得出结论或表达感情,结束演讲。 可以重复开头,也可用号召行动结尾,还可用反问结尾。 Thank you very much for your attention. That’s all. Thank you. How to write a speech 教你来写作 音乐在我们的日常生活中起着很重要的作用,请根据以下提示,以“The important role of music”为标题写一篇演讲稿。 1. 音乐可缓解压力和焦虑,放松身心; 2. 音乐可慰藉心灵,帮人走出困境; 3. 音乐可振奋精神,鼓舞人心; 4. 音乐可使人体验世界各地文化。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 适当增加过渡词,以使行文连贯; 3. 不要逐句翻译,可根据对音乐的理解适当发挥。 (1)一审: 确定写作体裁和主题 体裁:应用文———演讲稿 主题:The important role of music (2)二定:确定人称和时态 人称:第一人称或第三人称为主 时态:一般现在时为主 【写作思路】 (3)三明确:写作要点 缓解压力和焦虑,放松身心;慰藉心灵;振奋精神,鼓舞人心; 使人体验世界各地文化 (4)四结构: 根据要点,本文可分为三段: 一、指出演讲主题; 二、详细说明音乐在日常生活中的重要作用; 三、回扣主题,结束。 首先,第一 first/firstly in the first place to begin with first of all 【逻辑衔接过渡词】 second secondly last but not least finally/ at last in the end 此外,而且 Besides What’s more In addition Moreover 在我看来 As to/for me In my opinion/view From my point of view As far as I am concerned 【逻辑衔接过渡词】 1. 发表……演讲 2. 很荣幸…… 3. 缓解或减轻我们的压力和焦虑 4. 感到身心放松 deliver/give a speech about be very honored to do relieve/reduce our stress and anxiety feel relaxed mentally and physically It is a great honor to do 【核心词汇】 5. 令人激发和鼓舞 6. 慰藉某人…… 7. 感到沮丧 8. 体验和探索世界文化 inspiring and encouraging comfort sb. experience and explore the cultures of the world feel depressed/down The important role of music Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Good morning! I am very honoured to have an opportunity to deliver a speech about “The important role of music” here. As is well known, music plays an important role in our daily life. To begin with, it can relieve our stress and anxiety and make us feel relaxed mentally and physically. Secondly, music can be inspiring and encouraging when we feel sad or feel depressed. In addition, music can 【连句成篇】 comfort us and help us out of worries and trouble. Last but not least, music, as a universal language, can help us experience and explore the cultures of the world. From my point of view, music is an important part of our life. We can’t live a happy and sunny life with the company of wonderful music. Thank you a lot for your listeni ... ...

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