
甘肃省庆阳市西峰区黄官寨实验学校2022-2023学年四年级下学期期中英语试题(PDF版 无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:41次 大小:1232091Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四.年级·第‘二学期学习”评价·(2) 三Read and choose..(选出下列每组单词中不同类的-项。(6分) 英语 ( )1.A.hot B.cloudy C.kids ( )2.A.cool B.homework C.warm )3.A.dinner B.breakfast C.way 题号 四 五 六 八 九了十 十 成绩 )4.A.love B.Sydney C.London 得分 )5.A.book B.Moscow C.ruler ( )6.A.world B.forty C.ten ~、Choose and write..(选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词,将其写在相应的四线三格 四、Read and choose.(选择合适的选项,每项限用一次。)(6分) 内。(8分) 1.How you,John A.cool car tall 、 dinner bird 2.School over. B.is tiger nurse wall arm C.are 十+十 3.Do you have an」 D.me ball farm girl sister 4.Just a」 Amy. E.minute 5.Excuse Where's the teachers'office F.art room 6.It's in Beijing.It's 15 degrees. 五、Choose the best answers.(单项选择。)(8分)】 )L.-Have some_▲,Mike. OK A.hat B.chicken C.car 毁 二、Read and judge.(判断下列单词或词组与所给图片是“V"否“×”相符。)(8分) )2.Your classroom is so_▲! A.dad B.ball C.big ( )1.rainy )5.first floor )3.一▲to our school,Mr Zhou! -Thank you. 线 A.Welcome B.Mum C.Not )4.It's 12'o'clock.It's time for A. ( )2.windy ( )6.PE class A.come on B.lunch C.go )5.Let's eat some A. A.rice B.eraser C.ready )3.cold ( )7.English class )6.lsit_▲in Kunming3 A.shoes B.bye C.cloudy 靠 )4.soup )8.music room )7.Be_▲,Sarah!That's the cake! A.thanks B.careful C.Miss.White 散研评估 四年级英语{2)614(第1页】 四年级英语(2)614(第2页】

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