
2023届高考英语复习读后续写练习 保护地球,从小事做起,减少食物浪费课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:25次 大小:1839568Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语读后续写语篇练习保护地球,从小事做起,减少食物浪费题目分析读后续写题目再现范文呈现努力方向Part 1题目呈现续写原文When I came back home, my mother was having a conversation with my seven-year-old daughter Jane. They were talking about how to fight against climate change in the holidays. I interrupted, saying we could do it by eating leftovers (剩菜) this holiday season. Mom and I both smiled.I said, “You know Americans throw away 25 percent more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, including things like plastic from old tech and gift wrap. Food waste, which accounts for 30 to 40 percent of year-round waste entering landfills (垃圾填埋场), also rises sharply during the holidays. During Thanksgiving week alone, Americans throw out roughly 200 million pounds of turkey meat, along with 30 million pounds of gravy (肉汁) and 14 million pounds of dinner rolls.”续写原文Jane was puzzled at the figures of food waste but she was interested in the consequences. I told her, “When thrown-away food makes its way to landfills and rots, it produces methane, a kind of greenhouse gas. That’s not friendly. It can destroy the ecosystem, threatening the survival of animals, plants and humans on the planet.”Jane was nervous and asked what we could do to help the earth. “One of the most powerful tools we have is just to directly decrease our own waste in our home,” my mom said. “It’s also really challenging because most of our waste is happening in different ways. But individual action can also play a huge role in dealing with food waste, particularly in the US.”I remember that in my family, there are two traditions when it comes to holiday meals: there must be more food on the table than everyone can eat, and everyone must take home a plate of food at the end of the meal to make sure all the hard work that went into its preparation wasn’t wasted.段首句Para 1:Jane asked, “why prepare so much food for a holiday ”              Para 2:Jane answered “Sure” and hoped to help Grandmother to prepare for dinners.Part 2题目分析续写原文分析本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者有一天回家发现母亲在和七岁的女儿简讨论如何在假期应对气候变化,作者指出了美国的食物浪费问题,简感到困惑,问她们能做些什么来帮助地球,作者母亲表示可以从自己、从小事做起,减少食物浪费,减少垃圾。点1:位于续写第一段段首,流畅衔接前面的记叙文和第一段段首语;点2:位于续写第一段段尾,流畅衔接第二段段首句;点3:位于续写第二段段首,续写衔接第二段段首语;点4:文章结尾升华,给予读者正能量,揭示和强调主题。情节构建的重点续写思路分析Para 1:Jane asked, “why prepare so much food for a holiday ”由第一段首句内容“简问:‘为什么假期要准备这么多食物?’”可知,第一段可描写作者母亲向简解释原因,作者讲明吃剩饭的好处,问女儿是否愿意在假期不浪费食物以应对气候变化。续写思路分析Para 2:Jane answered “Sure” and hoped to help Grandmother to prepare for dinners.由第二段首句内容“简回答说‘当然’,并希望帮助外婆准备晚餐。”可 ... ...

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