

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:14次 大小:1807175Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语读后续写语篇练习好心一家人帮助家庭困难的家庭买马戏团的票题目分析读后续写题目再现范文呈现努力方向Part 1题目呈现续写原文Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. My family weren’t well off at that time, we can only come to see it once a year. Finally, there was only one family between us and the ticket counter.This family made a big impression on me. There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn’t have a lot of money.Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children were well-behaved, all of them standing in line, two-by-two behind their parents, holding hands. They were excitedly discussing about the clowns, elephants, and other acts they would see that night.One could sense they had never been to the circus before. It promised to be a highlight of their young lives. The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as could be. The mother was holding her husband’s hand, looking up at him as if to say, “You’re my knight in shining armor.” He was smiling in pride, looking back at her as if to reply, “You got that right.”续写原文The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly responded, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus.”The ticket lady quoted the price. The man’s wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, and his lip began to quiver (颤抖). The father leaned a little closer and asked, “How much did you say ”The ticket lady again quoted the price. That price immediately threw him into low spirits.段首句Para 1:How was he supposed to turn and tell his family that he didn’t have enough money to take them to the circus            Para 2:My father reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”Part 2题目分析续写原文分析本文以人物为中心展开,主要描述作者一家在去杂技团看表演时碰到了一大家人,给他们留下了深刻的印象。那家人看起来明显没有钱,但是衣着整洁,一家人有礼,快乐。但是在售票员告诉他们票价的时候,那位父亲突然意识到,他们的钱不够。点1:位于续写第一段段首,流畅衔接前面的记叙文和第一段段首语;点2:位于续写第一段段尾,流畅衔接第二段段首句;点3:位于续写第二段段首,续写衔接第二段段首语;点4:文章结尾升华,给予读者正能量,揭示和强调主题。情节构建的重点续写思路分析Para 1:How was he supposed to turn and tell his family that he didn’t have enough money to take them to the circus 由第一段首句内容“他怎么会转身告诉家人他没有足够的钱带他们去马戏团?”可知,第一段可描写父亲在意识到钱不够的时候的心理挣扎。续写思路分析Para 2:My father reached down, picked up the bill, tapped the man and said, “Excuse me, sir, this fell out of your pocket.”由第二段首句内容“我父亲把手伸下来,拿起账单,轻拍着那人说:“对不起,先生,这是从你口袋里掉出来的。””可知,第二段可描写作者的父亲帮助那一家人 ... ...

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