

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:68次 大小:728661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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)15.A.She is a teacher B.She is in the study. C.She is tall. 由考生在框内填自己 考场座位号未尾两位数 四、听短文,填写空缺的单词。(10分) 贴条形码区 I'm Lulu.I'm a 16.girl.I have a happy family.My mother is a 17. She t friendly.My father is a driver.He wears blue 18. I am a student.I like 19. and milk best.My cat likes fish best.Look!She is in the 20. She is looking for some fish! 2022一2023学年度上学期期末监测 笔试部分(60分) 圆 圜 四年级英语 (时间:50分钟满分:100分+卷面5分) 五、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用T”表示,不相同的用“”表示。(5分) 温馨提示:请同学们答题书写端正、整洁,你就可以得到卷面5分。加油哦! ( )21.nice big ( )22.home dog 如 ( )23.use cute ()24.cake have 听力部分(40分) ( )25.me he 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分】 六、选出每组不同类的一项。(5分) )26.A.beef B.chicken C.bed )1.A.clever B.teacher C.mother ( )27.A.bowl B.fork C.soup r )2.A.farmer B.fine C.fridge ( )28.A.strong B.shoe C.glasses 拟 长 r )3.A.becf B.knife C.sofa ( )29.A.door B.schoolbag C.window ( )4.A.cousin B.candy C.computer ( )30.A.uncle B.cook C.aunt ( )5.A.aunt B.light C.quiet 七、单项选择。(10分)】 二、听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(10分】 ( )31.-Where is the picture is near the window. A.He B.She C.It )6.A. B. )7.A. )32.We a new elassroom. A.are B.has C.have )33.-What color is it? -It's blue white. 08. )9.A A.or B.and C.is )34.Let's clean classroom. A.the B./ C.an )10.A B的 )35.-Is she in the study A.Yes.he is. B.No.he isn't. C.No.she isn't. 三、听录音,选出合适的答语。(10分) )36. is his name -His name is Zhang Peng. )11.A.Yes.it is. B.Yes.she is. C.Yes,he is. A.Where B.What C.Who )12.A.Watch TV. B.Have a nap. C.Read a book. 环 )37.How many are there in your classroom )13.A.I'd like some beef. B.I like juice. C.She likes apples. A.student B.students C.student's )14.A.Her name's Sarah B.His name's John. C.My name's Amy. )38.He has a red

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