
Unit 5 Buying and Selling Lesson 28 Ms. Liu's Great Idea 课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:48556410Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 28 Ms. Liu’s Great Idea The lady is running with her husband. The gate of Beijing University is unique. n. 丈夫 n. 大门 This is a Chinese motto. It tells us to appreciate others’ kindness. 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 Mary is an honest girl. She knows the value of honesty. Her mother always trusts and praises her. n.座右铭;格言;箴言 v. 感激;感谢 adj. 诚实的;坦白的 n. 价值 v. 相信;依赖 n. 诚实;老实;正直 v. 欣赏,赏识 appreciation n. 感激,欣赏 ...的价值 dishonest adj. 不诚实的 valuable adj. 有价值的,宝贵的 New words at the gate 在大门口 dishonest adj. 不诚实的 an honest girl 一个诚实的女孩 appreciation n. 感激,欣赏 Words and Phrases receive ... from 从 ... 收到 ... help oneself to sth. 随便吃点...... be surprised to... 对......感到吃惊 a way to do/of doing sth 做 ... 的一种方法 Exercises Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. honest trust gate value 1. George says that he has tried to be an _____ man all his life. 2. She says that she will wait for me at the _____. 3. They think that no one knows the _____ of this book. 4. We know that we can _____ Xiao Zhang because he is a good guy. honest gate value trust Lesson 28: Ms. Liu's Great Idea Do you know any mottos about honesty Would it be difficult to open a shop without a salesperson Why or why not One day, Ms. Liu received an e-mail from Rose, her English friend. Rose just took a weekend trip with her husband to the countryside. She said they had a wonderful shopping experience. Along a small road, we saw a sign on a gate: “Fresh Eggs for Sale”. We parked the car and walked into the shop. No one was around. Then I saw another sign: “Help Yourself!” On the table, there was a note: “Please take eggs from the baskets and leave your money in the box. We appreciate your honesty!” We were surprised to find that the farmer was so trusting. I took my eggs and put some money in the box. On our way home, I wondered if everyone would be honest. When Ms. Liu read this story, she smiled. She had an idea. She would help her students open this kind of shop at her school. Students could take things from the shop and leave money in a box. The shop would raise money for school activities. It was a great idea! Ms. Liu believed that most people want to be honest. This shop would be a good way for students to learn the value of honesty. The perfect motto for this shop would be, “Take what you need. Give what you can. We trust you!” Read the text loudly and finish the exercises. (1题完成句子;2-4题回答问题; 5题翻译句子) 1. Rose had a wonderful shopping _____ with her husband. 2. Was there a salesperson in the shop _____. 3. What did Rose and her husband think of the farmer _____. 4. What was Ms. Liu's great idea _____. 5. This shop would be a good way for students to learn the value of honesty. _____。 They thought the farmer was so trusting experience No, there wasn't Ms. Liu's great idea was to ... ...

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