

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:74次 大小:80760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 完形 1.BCBBC 6.CAABC 11.ABADC 七选五 GFDAC 阅读理解CBB 语法填空 1.Built 2.achievement 3.suffered 4.To help 5.Better 6. it 7.peacefully 8. where 9. enabling 10. in 单词1.Actually 2. challenge; 3. freshman; 4. fluent 5. graduate; 6. recommend 7. up 8. extra 9. Obviously; 10. Editor 单词 1.Thankfully 2.increasingly 3.so 4.earlier 5.least carefully 6.regularly 7.finally 8.closer 9.earlier10.merrily 11.alternatively 12.seriously 13.lively 14.suitable 15.Obviously高中英语高三三轮复习冲刺练 一.完形填空 Bright star of the musical galaxy (银河系 ) Kris has always wanted to be a bridge between the East and West. “Music is very 1 and language doesn’t matter that much sometimes,” the 28-year-old Chinese-Canadian singer-songwriter told Forbes magazine. “Even if you think of K-pop music(韩国流行音乐), people don’t understand what they’re saying but 2 you like it, you like it. His experience of 3 probably explains his attitude toward music. He rose to 4 as a member of K-pop boy group, EXO. Born and 5 in China, Kris moved to Canada at age 10 with his family. In 2014, he started his solo(独唱的) 6 . Since then, he’s been based in China. As an international rapper(说唱歌手) , Kris has always wanted to be the “Jackie Chan of music”. “l’m an artist . I do urban music,” he told Nylon Radio. “At the same time. .. l’m trying to bridge the East and West with my music.” Kris is well on his way toward 7 his goal. In June, he became the first Chinese artist to make the Billboard 8 100 when his new single Like That reached No. 73. After 9 this milestone(里程碑) , the singer spoke about his Chinese heritage(华裔) on his Sina Weibo account. “I’m very proud to be Chinese,” he wrote.” I want the whole 10 to hear Chinese music.” And on Nov. 2, Kris 11 a new album Antares, which features both Mandarin (普通话的)and English songs. It dominated (占据榜首)Apple’s iTunes Store Chart for days. “I spent more than two years 12 on the album,” Kris posted on Sina Weibo. “1 chose fourteen songs for the album, which speak for me.” In fact, the album’s title, Antares, is 13 his birthday. Antares is one of the brightest stars in the galaxy, and in the Western world, they call this star “the 14 of the scorpion (天蝎),”Kris told Forbes. “1 was a November 15 , so 1 am a Scorpio.” Kris is certainly one of the brightest stars in today’s musical firmament(苍穹). 1.A.universal B.complex C.positive D.practical 2.A.before B.until C.if D.though 3.A.dropping out B.growing up C.falling behind D.holding on 4.A.fame B.honesty C.generosity D.value 5.A.inspected B.reminded C.guarded D.raised 6.A.faith B.career C.advertisement D.research 7.A.providing B.designing C.stressing D.achieving 8.A.Hot B.Red C.Low D.Big 9.A.catching B.fixing C.hitting D.finding 10.A.street B.world C.company D.class 11.A.received B.resolved C.reserved D.released 12.A.calling B.turni ... ...

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