
中考复习之制胜话题影视文学 Film and Literature(打包2份,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:33次 大小:14774024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 影视文学 中考话题复习 主讲人: 本课件涉及课标: 主题:人与社会 2022版课标新增词汇:band, characteristic, classic, drama, empress, era, fashion, media, online, prince, princess, style 课标词汇 小试牛刀 part 1 Quick Response 处于危险之中 in silence 说实话 because of as well 赶快;急忙(做某事) 梳妆打扮 take care of 一...就... 脱下,起飞 stick to in that case 对某人有(特殊的)意义 代替 make one’s way 夯实基础 part 2 主题语境:作品评论 Let's listen to a movie review from Teenager Magazine. Long long ago enjoy called ancient named lived that so I _____ the movie that can make me think more. It’s my honor to share my favorite cartoon _____ Yu Gong moves a Mountain with you. It is an _____ Chinese folk story. _____, an old man _____Yu Gong _____ by mountains. The mountains around were ____ high _____ they troubled him a lot. So he called on the family to carry the earth and stones from the mountains into the sea far from their home. Finally, a god was moved by them and sent another two gods to help him move the mountains away. The great spirit of Yu Gong deeply moved me. It reminds us that we can never know what’s possible unless we try to make it happen. Let’s listen and fill in. preferences name and writer characters main idea plot evaluation feeling How can we write the review the review 学习策略:使用circle map发散思维并归纳总结 name and wrtier preferences characters main idea plot evaluation (评价) ... feeling preferences name and writer characters main idea plot evaluation feeling Let's think and tell more. What kind of books do you like/dislike I _____ the books that/which _____ _____. I dislike/don’t like/don’t read the books that/which _____. 喜欢 学习策略:使用circle map描述书籍的特征 不喜欢 like/ love/ prefer are interesting and are boring educational attractive relax interesting books meaningful meaningless boring joyful serious brilliant … 精彩的 吸引人的 无聊的 严肃的 有趣的 无意义的 令人愉快的 放松的 有意义的 preferences name and writer characters main idea plot evaluation feeling Let's think and tell more. What kind of books do you like 喜欢的原因 I like the books _____ _____. from which I can learn a lot reasons 我能学到很多。 I can learn a lot from it. 有长的故事。 They have long stories. 让我思考更多。 They make me think more. 让我感动。 They really move me. The book I’d like to share with you is _____ . I read a book named _____ which touched me a lot. _____ may be the best book I’ve ever read. name and writer Journey to the West Journey to the West Journey to the West preferences name and writer characters main idea plot evaluation feeling The Camel Xiangzi Tom Sawyer Robinson Crusoe Let's think and tell more. Which book do you want to recommend me Treasure Island All Men are Brothers Journey to the West Alice in Wonderland name and writer preferences name and writer characters main idea plot evaluation feeling The Camel Xiangzi All Men are Brothers Tom Sawy ... ...

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