
Unit 6 Lesson 1 I'm going to Mount Taishan课件(共52张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:80次 大小:330667576Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to our class Say the places quickly. (地点速说) Unit6 Travel Lesson1 I’m going to Mount Taishan. 六月 It’s June now. The summer vacation is coming. It’s vacation. winter What are they talking about (他们在谈论什么?) What are they talking about A. Hobbies B. Travel(旅行) C. Countries Are you going to travel I’m going to . Mount Taishan Where are you going this summer, Guo Yang (Tip:询问旅行打算) Mount Taishan is (beautiful/great/famous...). Where are you going this summer, GuoYang I’m going to . How (great/nice...)! Pair Work (同桌练习) I’m going to . 嵩山 华山 衡山 恒山 I’m going to . Dalian Where are you going this summer, Peter We can visit the zoo in Dalian. We can eat seafood in Dalian. We can swim in Dalian. Where are you going this summer, Peter I’m going to . I can . How ! Pair Work (同桌练习) ... I’m going back to . Canada Where are you going this summer, Jenny Canada China Jenny is going back to Canada. I’m going back to Canada in . July 七月 When is she going back to Canada (什么时候回加拿大?) Where are you going this summer, Li Ming I’m going to . the Shaolin Temple The Shaolin Temple is (cool/magic/famous...). 少林寺 寒山寺 白马寺 I’m going to . Read and find (阅读课文,寻找答案) Where is Danny going this summer Me, too! I love kung fu! Danny is going to . the Shaolin Temple Hello. I’m . The summer vacation is coming. I’m going to travel. I’m going (back) to . It’s . Thank you. Report the Travel(任选其一,介绍旅行) Snail’s Travel 蜗牛旅行记 I’m going to travel. Have a good time. Where are you going, Snail I’m going to . France I can visit the Eiffel Tower. Wow! How beautiful! I’m going to . Hello, snail. Where are you going Britain Wow! I can visit the Big Ben. How cool! Hello, friends. Where are you going We are going to . Me, too. the U.S Wow! I can visit the Statue of Liberty. So big! I can visit the Great Wall. How great! Where are you going then I’m going to... He’s going to . He can see different beauties. (不同的美景) He can meet new friends. (结交新朋友) My Travel Plan Hello. I’m . The summer vacation is coming. I’m going to travel. I’m going to . It’s (nice/cool...). I can . How (happy/fun) ! Thank you. Enjoy travel, enjoy life! (快乐旅行,享受生活) Homework 1. Make a mind map of Lesson1.(必做) 2. Finish your travel plan.(选做) Name: Class:

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