

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:83次 大小:18313542Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语五月模拟考试参考答案 1--4 CACB 5--8 BCBC 9--12 CBCA 13--16 ABCA 17--20 ABBA 21--25 CBABA 26--30 BCACB 31--35 CAABC 36. without 37.How 38.had been married 39.himself 40.are hold 41.cutting 42.twice 43.to dress 44.bravest 45.does 46.a 47.was praised 48.reasons 49. naturally 50.peaceful 51. 一首名叫《早安隆回》的流行歌曲在网上引起公众的广泛关注。 52. 关于他的各种讨论不断增加。 53. his success comes from many years of hard work and the spirit of never giving up. 54. 但没有一首能像这首那样流行/火爆。 55. Luckily/Fortunately, he overcame/went through all the difficulties and finally achieved/realized his dream. (He is going to /leaving for) China. 57. Because he doesn’t know how to behave at the dinner table. 58.Three./ 3. 59.No,it isn’t (polite). 60.I think his advice will (surely) help a lot. / is helpful/useful. Today is a fine day. I feel excited because I have known some important Chinese table manners. One important thing is that I’m not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table. While eating, it’s also impolite to stick my chopsticks into my food. Besides, I shouldn’t point at anyone with my chopstick, either. Last but not least, I’d better not talk too much while eating ,especially don’t talk with others with my mouth full. Different countries have different customs. I must do as the Romans do . Now I don’t feel nervous at all. I believe I will have a wonderful time in China. (注:人称没改正确的最多给及格分。)

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