
河南省开封市龙亭区仁和小学2022-2023学年五年级下学期期中英语试题 图片版(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:65次 大小:1592382Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五 年 级 第 学 期 学 习 评价 (2) 英语 、Read and jadge..(判断下列每组单词面线部分读音是T”否“F“相同。)(6分) 6543210 )1.shirt sheep )4.clever children 2空at player )5.brown umbrella )3.please plate )6.teacher chicken 二、Read and write.(按要求写-写。)(6分) 6543210 1.gme(复数形式) 2.scason(数数形式)】 3.dancing(英译汉) 4 August(英译汉)】 5.四月(汉译英) 6.秋天(汉译英)】 三、Choo8 e the best answer8(单项选择。)(8分) 876543210 )1.Ietr'sey▲! A.finish B.take C.pretty )2.The▲mre grcen A.leaf B.leaves C.snow 3.We always_▲at630pm A.kung fu B.sunny and hot C.cat dinner 线 A.China's National Day is in_▲, A.October B.February C.Thanksgiving )5.In the afternoon,I play with my friend. A Itnch B.sports C.homework )6.A that,we have a singing contest A.After B.【ovely C.Late 51965235 )7.We'l read riddles and stories at the party. A.good Job B.school trip C.act out 款研年佑 五年0英(2)615(那1页】 )及一_▲will go there -Xu Li's brother. A How B.Who C.What's 四、Read and choose.(选择合适的选项补全句子。)(6分) ■6543210 1.Please send me (A.a B.an email 2.We have a few fun_ (A thing B.things this year. 3.The weather_ (A is B.are nice in spring. 4.Let's go (A.for B.too a walk,Sarah! 5.I sometimes go (A.shop B.shopping with my mum. 6.There are beautiful (A.flowers B.flower everywhere. 五、Read and judge.(判断下列句子与所给图片是“T否“F"相符。)(12分) 1211109876543210 )1.Children's Day is in June. 六月 )2.It is rainy and cold today. )3.Sometimes we go on a picnic. ( )4.Amy and her [ather will go to the Great WalL )5.My birthday is in November. 九月 )6.They often play ping-pong on the weekend 五年众英(2)615(第2页】

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