

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:29次 大小:72189Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《课程标准》(2022)新增单词专练 A 【词汇展示】 1. accident (n.) 交通事故,车祸;偶然的事 短语:traffic accident 交通事故 by accident 偶然,意外地 2. account (n.)账目,账户 (v.) 说明,叙述 3. ache (v.)疼痛;渴望 (n.) 疼痛,痛苦(跟在表示身体部位的名词后,可以表示“……痛”) →stomachache (n.) 胃痛 →toothache (n.) 牙痛 短语:have a headache 头痛 搭配:ache for sb./sth. 渴望某人/某物 4. actually (adv.)实际上,事实上 5. ad (=advertisement)(n.)广告 6. admire (v.)钦佩,仰慕 搭配:admire sb. for sth. 因某事仰慕某人 7. adult (n.)成年人 (adj.)成年的,发育成熟的 8. ahead (adv.)在前面;领先;提前 (adj.)在前的,提前的 短语:go ahead 开始,前进 ahead of time 提前 9. AI(=artificial intelligence) 人工智能 10. aid (v.) 帮助,援助 (n.) 帮助,援助 短语:first aid 急救 with the aid of 在……的帮助下 11. aim (n.)目的,目标 (v.) 瞄准,对准;旨在,致力于 搭配:aim at 力求达到,力求做到 aim to do sth. 努力(朝某个目标)做某事 12. alarm (n.)闹钟;警报器;恐慌 (v.)使不安,使惊慌 短语:alarm clock 闹钟 13. a.m. (abbr.)上午,午前 14. amazing (adj.)惊人的,令人诧异的 →amazed (adj.)惊奇的,惊讶的 →amaze (v.)使惊奇,使惊讶 短语:be amazed at 对……感到惊讶 15. apartment (n.)公寓套房,套间 16. app (=application) (n.) 应用程序 17. argue (v.) 主张;说服;争论 →arguing(现在分词) →argument (n.)争论,争吵 短语:argue with sb. about/over sth. 因某事和某人争论 18. astronaut (n.)宇航员,太空人 19. athlete (n.) 运动员,体育健将 20. attack (v.)批评;侵害;袭击 (n.)袭击;批评;(疾病的)突然发作 短语:under attack 受到攻击 heart attack 心脏病发作 21. average (n.) 平均水平;平均数 (adj.)普通的;中等的 短语:on average 平均;普通 22. award (n.) 奖,奖品 (v.)授予,颁发 23. aware (adj.)明白的,意识到的 搭配:be aware of 意识到,察觉到 【词汇检测】 Group 1 actual aim adult ahead aid accident admire athlete 1. —Sorry, I broke your camera by . —Never mind. You didn't do it on purpose. 2. I didn't want to say anything without reading the letter first. 3. For safety reasons, children must be led by when they go out. 4. To everyone’s surprise, the party was planned several weeks . 5. This job would be impossible without the of a computer. 6. The school is widely for its excellent teaching. 7. It to build a future where people can live with nature peacefully. 8. During the 2022 Winter Olympics, many have won honor for our country. Group 2 average aware argue award astronaut alarm attack amazing 9. Tim is really upset, because he with his parents just now. 10. do experiments when they’re in space so they need to be good at science. 11. The little girl runs on about 6 miles every day. Even if it rains, she still keeps running. 12. He got for getting the highest grade in his class,which makes his parents quite happy. 13. Jason was that success can be achieved by working hard. 14. I was so tired that I fell asleep at once and forgot to set the for the next morning. 15. When a tree was by this kind of insects, it will get sick and probably die. 16. The Chinese Poet ... ...

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