
吉林省·2023年中考英语冲刺大练习 06 阅读判断

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:138675Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 吉林省·2023年中考英语冲刺大练习 06 阅读判断 一、阅读理解 (2022·长春模拟) 根据短文内容,判断正误。 People come in all shapes and sizes, colors and races. Some speak differently while others act differently. My mother is in a wheelchair(轮椅). I would like to say something about this special woman I call "Mommy". My mom does what a mom needs to do every day. She picks me up from school, drives me to meetings, cook dinner, and helps me with my homework. This is just part of what makes her great, though. She is my best friend and can immediately notice when I am unhappy. She helps me solve problems that my friends do not understand. Mommy makes me laugh when times are hard. I look forward to coming home because I know there is someone there who cares about what I have done. Mommy has always tried to be like a "normal mom. But I think my mother is a wonderful woman and she doesn't need to change. She teaches me life lessons that no teacher or friend can. She shows me how to accept everyone for what is inside, rather than what is on the outside. You may have realized that all the qualities I admire have nothing to do with what she looks like. Everyone could be the way he is, but most are not. I want everyone to look beyond(超出) the surface and see what is inside others. You may fail to notice someone who is very special like my mom because you cannot accept their outside characters. 1.From the passage we know that Paragraph 1 leads mainly to the topic of the story. 2.The word "normal" can describe the writer's mother best 3.We can know that the writer expects his mother to change from Paragraph 5. 4.We can also learn that writer doesn't mind his mother's disability 5.The purpose of the story is to tell us to respect the disabled around us. (2022九下·长春模拟)根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 A primary school headmaster became a star on the Internet for dancing with his students. Zhang Pengfei works in Xiguan Primary School in Linyi, Shanxi Province. Every morning, he leads 700 pupils to do the "ghost shuffle" routine(跳鬼步舞操)on the playground. They dance for 30 minutes every day. They like dancing more than doing the old exercise routine, so they don't do the old one now. "I thought we needed a change because the students lost interest in doing the old exercise routine though it was useful for pupils" Zhang told the reporter. After all, they started to do the old exercise routine in 1951. Mr. Zhang saw a group of people doing the "ghost shuffle" routine by accident. Then he decided to learn it on his own. "I thought the dance would be great for kids," he said, "The music is energetic and it really makes children relax." In October 2018, he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school. Soon even teachers and workers there joined in the activity. "Now the pupils don't keep playing games on their phones. Sometimes they watch different dancing videos and learn new moves!" the headmaster said. 6. ... ...

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