
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Were they active in class? 课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:21281521Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) They were active in class. Unit 1 Lesson 3 young kind strict strong thin short Sharp eyes. (火眼金睛) Can you say it 2 He was tall and strong. 1 Happy Teachers’ Day. 3 He was young. 4 She was strict. Can you say it 5 Her hair was short. Who’s your favorite teacher Think and answer Miss Guo It’s Miss Guo. My favourite teacher is Miss Guo. What’s she/he like 她/他是什么样子? Think and answer She’s young. She’s tall. She has long hair. She’s very kind. She’s strict. What was she/he like 她/他以前是什么样子? Think and answer She was young. Her hair was black. Today is Teachers’s Day. Mr Wang is very happy Why is Mr Wang very happy Why is Mr Wang very happy Mr Wang’s pupils are back at school. Because . pupil s Mr Wang’s pupils They were in his class ten years ago. 以前 1.They are in his class now. 2.They were in his class ten years ago. 过去用were 现在用are young old small big 用 were/ are 说句子。 They They Now they Now they young then. small then. old . big . were were are are What were the pupils like ten years ago Read and underline What were the boys like ten years ago The boys . They were in class. sometimes they were . were short then active But naughty Now they are tall and beautiful. What about the girls The girls were thin then. They were . smart What do they say Read and answer “Happy Teachers’ Day,Mr Wang!”they say. “Thank you. I’m so happy to see you today”Mr Wang says. Today is Teachers’ Day. Li Qi, Sun Xu and Chen Yi were short then. Li Na and Linda were thin then. “Happy Teachers’ Day,Mr Wang!”they say. “Thank you. I’m so happy to see you today”Mr Wang says. Mr Wang’s pupils are back at school. They were in his class ten years ago. They were active in class, They were smart. Now they are tall and beautiful. but sometimes they were naughty. Today is Teachers’ Day. Li Qi, Sun Xu and Chen Yi were short then. Li Na and Linda were thin then. “Happy Teachers’ Day,Mr Wang!”they say. “Thank you. I’m so happy to see you today”Mr Wang says. Mr Wang’s pupils are back at school. They were in his class ten years ago. They were active in class, They were smart. Now they are tall and beautiful. but sometimes they were naughty. 1.Who is back at school 2.Were the boys active in class 3.What do Mr Wang's pupils say They are Mr Wang's pupils. Yes, they were. Happy Teachers' Day. Read and answer: Let’s write. They were in Mr Wang’s class ten years ago. 他们十年前在王老师的班里。 They were short then. 他们以前是矮的。 They were active in class. 他们以前上课很积极。 Sometimes they were naughty. 有时候他们很调皮。 They were thin then. 她们那时候很瘦。 were pupil ago but active naughty smart Thank You

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