
【原创精优公开课】Unit 6 Shopping PB let's talk课件+练习+动画素材(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:33次 大小:137506455Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Shopping PA Let's talk 人教PEP 四年级下册 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师 expensive Busy bee 帮助小蜜蜂找到正确的花朵吧。 cheap nice pretty Lead in Mum and Sarah see a clothes shop. They want to buy some new clothes. Lead in 崔老师优质课件 At the clothes shop. At the clothes shop. shop assistant What does Sarah like Lead in Watch and find out 1. Does Sarah like the skirt 2. Will they buy the skirt Why 3. How much is the skirt 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师 Presentation Sarah, how do you like this skirt It's very pretty. 询问对方对某商品的印象 How do you like ... 这条短裙你觉得怎么样? 1. Does Sarah like the skirt Yes, she does. (cool / nice / long / big / short /colourful / beautiful / small …) B: It’s … A: How do you like this … Practice Choose and talk. 崔老师优质课件 Presentation Can I help you It's $89. Yes. How much is this skirt how much 多少钱 dollar eighty-nine dollars 3.How much is the skirt It’s $89. 数字几十几,先读几十再读几, 如: 89 读作 eighty-nine; 45读作 forty-five $是美元货币符号,读作dollar, 复数形式dollars ¥ yuan 人民币 $ dollar 美元 1 dollar ≈ 7.1 yuan, $89≈¥607 Good to know 如何询问物品的价格 How much are the shoes They’re ¥150. —How much is the+单数或不可数名词 单数 —How much are the+复数名词 复数 How much is/are the ... It’s/They’re ... 60 80 90 100 120 80 40 崔老师优质课件 Presentation Oh, that's expensive! Sorry, Sarah. It's too expensive. I like it, Mum. 2.Will they buy the skirt Why No. Because it’s too expensive. Sarah, how do you like this skirt It's $89. Yes. How much is this skirt It's very pretty. Can I help you Sorry, Sarah. It's too expensive. I like it, Mum. Oh, that's expensive! Presentation ( ) It's $89. ( ) I like it, Mum. ( ) Sarah, how do you like this skirt ( )Can I help you ( ) Sorry, Sarah. It's too expensive. ( )Yes. How much is this skirt ( )Oh, that's expensive! ( )It's very pretty. Read and number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ( ) They see a pretty skirt in the shop. ( ) Sarah likes the skirt very much. ( ) The skirt is 98 yuan. ( )Mum will buy the skirt for Sarah. Read and tick or cross. Can I help you Sarah,how do you like this skirt It's $89. It's very pretty. Yes.How much is this skirt Oh,that's expensive! I like it, Mum. Sorry,Sarah.It's too expensive. Good memory 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师优质课件 崔老师 Role-play 0 流利地朗读 流利地表演 有感情地表演 Make a new dialogue Make a new dialogue A:How do you like_____ B: It’s/They’re_____. A: How much is it/are they C: It’s/They’re____. A: Oh. It’s /They’re cheap/expensive. The shirt is nice. How much is it It’s 10 yuan. I'll take it. How much is it 问价格, 主语单数 it 指代前面的单数主语 Let's play How much are they 问价格, 主语单数 them 指代前面的复数主语 Let's play Those pants are nice. How much are they They’re 16 yuan. I'll take them. The ... is/are pretty. How ... ...

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