
牛津上海(试用本)六年级上册 Module 3 Food and drink Unit 8 The food we eat 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:86次 大小:20480Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Teaching Plan Teacher: Gaoying Material: Oxford English,Module3 Unit8 The food we eat Listening and speaking: Buying different food Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to: 1. consolidate listening skills: predicting before listening, listening for gist and specific information; 2. talk about buying different food by using the pattern “How much was it It was…”; 3. talk about the gift prepared for Alex. Learning difficulty: use the sentence pattern in real situation. Learning Procedures: Stages Learning activities Teaching purposes Lead-in Read the dialogue on page 55;Retell Mrs Li’s shopping list; 3.Talk about different stalls in the market and sections in the supermarket. To arouse students’ interests and lead in today’s topicTo direct students to learn different places of buying different food Textlearning Look at the picture and predict;Listen to the dialogue and tell what they are talking about;Listen again and complete the form;Talk about the prices and compare the prices in pairs;Listen, read and role-play the dialogue. To cultivate students to listen for gist and specific informationTo help students to ask for prices and get the cheaper items;To encourage students to read in correct pronunciation and intonation. Output Say and act the dialogues in groups;In groups, talk about the gift prepared for Alex. To consolidate the sentence patterns;To use the sentence pattern in real situation. Assignment Practise reading the dialogues fluently on page 58Complete the report on the worksheet and get ready for the presentation.

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