

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:43次 大小:439301Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末常考易错检测卷-小学英语三年级下册人教精通版 一、单选题 1._____ this your T-shirt ( ) A.Is B.Are C.Do 2.—Good afternoon, boys and girls. ( ) —_____ A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good night. 3.What time is it ( ) A.It’s yellow. B.It’s five o'clock. 4.Show me _____. ( ) A.nine B.ten C.five 5.Guess what's in my bag ( ) A.猜猜我的文具盒里是什么? B.猜猜我的书包里是什么? 6.—Hello, this is _____ brother Tom. ( ) —Hi! Nice to meet you. A.my B.it C.he D.you 7.当你饿了,你想吃时,应该说_____.( ) A.I’m Li Ming. B.I want to eat. C.I want to drink. 8.I have ____ Chinese book. ( ) A.a B.an C.two 9.—Excuse me, Miss Zhang. What time is it ( ) —_____ A.It’s twelve o’clock. B.It’s ten o’clock. 二、补全句子 10.The r_____ (兔子) is eating a carrot. 11._____ (看) at the books. 12.—_____ it a parrot —Yes, it is. 13.The p_____ is a bird. It can speak. 14.I’m yellow. I’m a type of fruit. Monkeys like to eat me. I’m a _____. 三、选词/短语填空 Here Guess Grade Class Happy Thank Can Excuse Have Let’s 15.I’m in _____ One, _____ Three. 16.—_____ a cake, Yang Ming. —No, thanks. 17.—_____ me. Is that your watch —Oh! Yes, it is. 18.—_____ I see it —Sure. _____ you are. 19.—Hi, Lisa. _____, what’s in my desk —A pencil-box 20.—_____ go to school. —OK. 21.—_____ birthday to you. —_____ you. 四、句子匹配 A.It’s six. B.Thank you. C. That’s my father. D.Sure. E. This is my grandmother. 22.Who’s this ( ) 23.Who’s that man ( ) 24.Can I see your family photo ( ) 25.Here you are. ( ) 26.What time is it ( ) 五、中英文匹配 27.选择正确的译文。 A.那是我叔叔。 B.汤姆是杰克的爸爸。 C. 给我看看你爸爸的照片。 D.他们爱我。 E. 这是我女儿。 ( ) (1) This is my daughter. ( ) (2) Show me your father’s photo. ( ) (3) They love me. ( ) (4) That’s my uncle. ( ) (5) Tom is Jack’s father. 六、排序题 28. A.How old are you B.I’m ten. C. Hello, I’m Tiantian. I’m in Class Four, Grade Three. D.I’m nine. What about you E. Hi, my name’s Tongtong. I’m in Class Five, Grade Three. 排序:( )→( )→( )→( )→( ) 七、连词成句 连词成句。 29.fruit, like, do, you(?) _____ 30.like, oranges, I(.) _____ 31.me, show, bread, your(.) _____ 32.don't, apples, like, I,bananas, or(.) _____ 33.about, you, what(?) _____ 八、阅读选择 Sam: Good morning! Can I help you Ann: Good morning! I can’t find (找到) my sweater. Sam: OK. What colour is your sweater Ann: It’s pink. Sam: Is this your sweater Ann: No, it isn’t. Sam: Is that your sweater Ann: No, it isn’t. A rabbit is on my sweater. Sam: Oh! It must be (一定是) this one. Ann: Yes, thank you. Sam: You are welcome! 34.It’s in the _____. (  ) A.afternoon B.morning C.evening 35._____ can’t find her sweater. (  ) A.Sam B.Ann C.A rabbit 36.Ann’s sweater is _____. (  ) A.pink B.yellow C.red 37.Which is Ann’s sweater (  ) A. B. C. 38._____ helps Ann find her ... ...

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