

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:80次 大小:25232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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期末易错专项复习:专题06 阅读理解 四年级下册 (牛津上海版试用本,含答案) Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用T或F表示): (一) Mark is a boy. He is twelve years old. He has a little sister, Sue. She is ten years old. They like riding bicycles in the yard. Mark’s bicycle is yellow and blue. He often rides his bicycle with his sister. They also ride around the park on sunny afternoon. But they never ride their bicycles to school. ( ) 1. Mark and Sue are brothers. ( ) 2. Sue likes riding her bicycle in the yard. ( ) 3. Mark has a yellow and blue bicycle. ( ) 4. Mark and his sister ride around the park on sunny afternoon. ( ) 5. They often go to school by bicycle. (二) It’s a sunny afternoon. The sun is shining. There are some children in the park. Six boys and four girls are flying kites. The kites are high in the sky. Mark is driving his car. His car is yellow and blue. His sister, Sue, is drawing under the tree. She draws very well. They are very happy. ( ) 1. It’s in the morning. ( ) 2. We can see some children in the park. ( ) 3. Mark can drive a car in the park. ( ) 4. We can’t see any kites in the sky. ( ) 5. Sue can draw very well. (三) It is a sunny day. I go to Xiamen by plane with my family and friends. We go to the island by ferry. There are many big trees on the island. There are many old houses with red roofs. I swim in the sea with my parents. We play on the beach. Then we eat much nice food such as fish, shellfish and pie. The pie is sweet and soft. We enjoy ourselves very much. How happy we are! ( ) 1. We take a plane to Xiamen with friends. ( ) 2. There are many short trees on the island. ( ) 3. I can swim in the sea. ( ) 4. We have some nice food such as fish and fruit. ( ) 5. All of us are very happy. (四) There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don’t work on Saturday or Sunday. And some shops are closed early in Canada on Saturday and Sunday. But in China, nearly all shops are open every day. Sunday is the first day of a week. In China. Saturday and Sunday are holidays. You can’t work all the time. You can have a rest at weekends. ( )1. There are six days in a week. ( )2. Children go to school from Monday to Sunday. ( )3. All the people work on Saturday and Sunday. ( )4. In China, all shops are open on Saturday and Sunday. ( )5. Sunday is the first day of the week. (五) It’s not early, but Dick and Betty are still in bed. They feel cold and they like their warm beds. Mother comes in. She says,“Look, children. The world is white.” The two children sit up and look out of the window. How nice! There is snow in the garden. There is snow on the trees and on the houses, too. “We can have a good time today,” the children say. “You must put on very warm clothes before you go out,” Mother says. Now the children are in the garden. Dick is making snowballs and throwing them at Betty. Betty is ... ...

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