

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:459995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年中考模拟英语试题 I.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 9 Dong Yonghong,a marathon(马拉松)runner,is a middle school geography teacher.Many years ago,1 he was running a marathon along the Ulan Mulun River,the local "mother river",he noticed people throwing rubbish along the river- bank.He-2-the idea to have his students take part in the protection of the river. Dong picked up the rubbish whenever he-3 it.He knew it was important to get more people for river protection.So he-4-the Green School with Love and Care pro- ject in 2011.To-5-the project,Dong has done nine field studies in Ordos covering thousands of kilometers. In the 10 years since the project was set up,the 6 of members has reached more than 5,000.As many as 1.5 million plastic bottles,300 tons of waste paper and 20,000 used batteries (were collected properly or-7. Dong often takes his students to the-8every weekend-for rubbish pick up.Do you know where he often teaches his students geography Yeah,along the river!Isn't it-9 It's an outdoor geography classroom. "I hope that through my 10,the students will come to know their hometown better and love it more so that they will realize the importance of protecting the environ- ment,”Dong said. )1.A.when B.if C.or D.though )2.A.played B.got C.joined D.changed )3.A.bought B.lost C.noticed D.used )4.A.cleaned up B.took up C.looked up D.set up )5.A.drop B.improve C.express D.drive )6.A.number B.color C.purpose D.chance )7.A.fixed B.left C.recycled D.raised )8.A.neighborhood B.street C.park D.river )9.A.boring B.amazing C.difficult D.necessary )10.A.fields B.objects C.breaks D.efforts B Cathy is a 14-year-old girl.There used to be a(n)-11 land near her neighbor- hood.As time went by,the empty land was filled with-rubbish.People around here often complained (that it smelt too-12 in summer.But nobody tried to deal with the rubbish. On a rainy day,Cathy looked down at the area.Then she saw the-13on the roadside.The flowers looked very beautiful.Suddenly,an idea came to her14. Later,she 15 her friend David a drawing of a garden.David said,"What a beautiful garden!But how can we make your-16come true It's hard.""Let's ask others for help,"Cathy answered.Then they explained what they wanted to do to their neighbors door by door.After hearing the idea,most of the neighbors were excited and they decided to 17 Cathy with actions. On a clear day,many people came to the empty land with some little trees and seeds (of different flowers.Cathy and her friends planted and watered the trees

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