
Module 1 Unit 2 It's in the west.课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:32581701Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 1 Unit 2 It’s in the west. n. (名词)地图 【短语】a map of 一幅……的地图 【发音】a 发 。 【例句】These is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有一幅世界地图。 【变换字母记忆】cap(帽子) map(地图) c 改为 m 【发音】i 发 。 【同音词】write 写 【例句】Am I right 我是正确的吗? 【其他词义】右边;向右;右边的 【对比记忆】right 正确的 wrong 错误的 adj. (形容词)正确的 【复数】countries 【加法记忆】coun + try(试;尝试)= country 国家 【短语】a big country 一个大的国家 【例句】China is a great country with a long history. 中国是一个拥有悠久历史的伟大国家。 【其他词义】乡下;乡村 n. (名词)国家 Where’s the Great Wall Listen and chant It’s in China. Daming Where is he from What’s this It’s a map of China. Look and say the West Lake 西 湖 west 西边 Let’s learn Where is the West Lake Let’s watch Where is the West Lake It’s in the east of China. 东边 east west Let’s check It’s in the north of China. Where is Harbin 北边 north east west Look and answer Harbin It’s in the south of China. Where is Haikou 南边 north east west south Look and answer Haikou north south east west N S E W Up is north. North, north. Down is south. South, south. Left is west. West, west. Right is east. East, east. Let’s chant What a big map of the US! 好大的一张美国地图啊! New York San Francisco Houston New York 纽约 旧金山 Houston 休斯敦 Where are they Let’s enjoy San Francisco Daming: What a big map of the US! Where’s New York Simon: It’s here, in the east. Daming: And what about San Francisco Simon: It’s in the west. Daming: And Houston is in the south. Simon: That’s right. Daming: The US is a big country. Simon: Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. Listen and underline Where are they Where is New York New York It’s here, in the east. Let’s retell east What about San Francisco It’s in the west. east west New York San Francisco Let’s retell Houston is in the south. east west New York San Francisco Houston Let’s retell south The US is a big country. Yes, it is. And China is a big country too. Let’s retell Watch and follow A: Where is Shanghai B: _____. A: Where is Haikou B: _____. A: Where is Harbin B: _____. Look and write It’s in the east of China It’s in the south of China It’s in the north of China Shanghai Haikou Harbin A: Where is _____ B: It’s _____. Ask and answer Listen and chant 2. 询问及回答某个地区的方位: 1. 词汇:east, west, south, north —Where is … —It’s in the east/west/south/north of … 1. Read and imitate the dialogue three times. 2. Find a map and introduce the places to your friend. Thank you for listening 感谢聆听 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin ... ...

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