

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:1842013Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语读后续写语篇练习在朋友的鼓励之下,勇敢地去坐过山车题目分析读后续写题目再现范文呈现努力方向Part 1题目呈现续写原文Hudson had been looking forward to this trip for weeks. This was more than the usual excitement about end-of-year trips. And now, finally, after weeks of expectation, Hudson, Davion, Tasha, and their friends Trey and Justin were at Six Flags Great America, which was home to more roller coasters and games than any place north of Florida.They were waiting in line for the Twisted Twister—the scariest roller coaster. In front of them, the coaster rose threateningly out of the ground. From the very beginning, the Twisted Twister lived up to its name. The black coaster tracks corkscrewed 5 almost immediately. Then, the riders in the yellow cars were given a moment to catch their breath as they were cranked (转动) slowly to the top of a hill. But the relief didn’t last long. As soon as the roller coaster cars were over the peak, the track twisted again. And again and again and again.续写原文Glancing at it, Hudson felt his stomach was too tight to say anything at all, The Twisted Twister was the scariest roller coaster he had ever seen. But he wasn’t about to mention his fear to his friends. Because they would tell him that he was acting like a little kid, too scared to go on the park’s best ride. He felt dorky and awkward standing there. The sea of people between them and the Twisted Twister was steadily getting smaller. Hudson smiled weakly as his friends cheered when they counted just three rope barriers to go. Then two. Then one. And then they were at the stairs. Davion, Justin, and Trey were nearly jumping up and down with excitement. But Hudson could only hear people screaming, and he couldn’t even tell if the screams were because of delight or terror. And he knew, suddenly, that he could not make it.段首句Para 1:Without a word, Hudson turned, pushed past the crowd and ran out of the line.Para 2:Just then, he saw his other friends coming, big smiles on their faces.Part 2题目分析续写原文分析本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了哈德逊和朋友们来到六旗大美洲旅行。等待最可怕的过山车时,他们看到了过山车的运行过程,哈德逊非常恐惧,但却因为担心朋友的嘲笑而不敢表露出害怕。当越来越要轮到自己时,哈德逊意识到自己做不到去乘坐过山车了。但是在朋友的鼓励下,哈德逊成功乘坐过山车。点1:位于续写第一段段首,流畅衔接前面的记叙文和第一段段首语;点2:位于续写第一段段尾,流畅衔接第二段段首句;点3:位于续写第二段段首,续写衔接第二段段首语;点4:文章结尾升华,给予读者正能量,揭示和强调主题。情节构建的重点续写思路分析Para 1:Without a word, Hudson turned, pushed past the crowd and ran out of the line.由第一段首句内容“哈德森一言不发地转过身来,推开人群,跑出了队伍。”可知,第一段可描写哈德逊离开排队的队伍,塔莎过来安慰他,他意识到最重要的是和朋友们玩得开心。续写思路分析Para 2:Just then, he saw his other friends coming, big smiles on their faces.由第二段首句内容“就在这时,他看到他的其他朋友来了 ... ...

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