
鲁教版(五四制)初中英语七年级下册 Unit 3 Will people have robots Section?Section B 1a-1e 教案

日期:2024-05-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:45次 大小:17841Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 1.教学内容: 鲁教五 四学制版 七年级下册(2014年1月第1版) Unit 3 Will people have robots Section B 1a-1e 教学重难点: To learn some listening skills. To practice the past tense, present tense and the future tense To express the past, present and the future life. 教学目标: Knowledge objectives: Learn the words of jobs, transportation and places to live. New words: astronaut, apartment , rocket, space station. Sentence structure: I/We/He/ She will be/ live Skill objectives: Students will be able to listen by catching the key words, by reading the material carefully before listening.Students will be able to talk about the past, present and the future about their life . Emotion attitude and values: Love their life. Be grateful for the past. Be hard- working at present and then they will have a bright future. 教学过程: 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1.show two pictures of the teacher, tell them my life in past and now, let them guess what my life will be like in the ten year. guess the teacher’s future life. You will be a/an____ You will live in ____ You will go to work by____ 通过使用老师本人的真实照片呈现出老师过去和现在的生活,让学生猜测老师将来的生活。老师本人的照片能激发学生学习兴趣,让学生乐意去说,让学生先尝试使用将来时的句子。也对接下来三种时态的对比做了铺垫。 Step2. Show the students future using the magic mirror. 2. say the target language mirror, mirror on the wall. What will--l be Where will -- live How will --go to work 通过使用希沃白板的功能,展示班级学生的未来。一练习了目标语言will be ,will live .will go to work by -- 二是教授了新单词astronaut, rocket apartment space station 以这种形式给学校神秘感,激发学生兴趣,并给后面的小组对话做好语音铺垫。 Step3.Let students ask and answer questions about your future with your partner. 3.ask and answer questions about their future with their partner. 以问答的形式巩固将来时的用法并让学生对自己的将来生活的表述有一个初步的框架,能够选择正确的句型和词汇和时态来表达 Step4. Ask students to do 1a and show the words on the screen Lead them to learn to classify words.Ask one student to do it on the whiteboard. 4.do the exercise on their books and check the answer together. 利用白板的托拽功能进行单词归类 Step5. Let students discuss in groups and write down more words about them and choose one student to read the words out. 5.discuss with group members and share their answers together 培养学生的小组合作能力,发挥集体的作用写出更多的单词,提高了学习效率。 Step6.game time.let two students PKwith each other. 6.find out the words about jobs and transportation 利用希沃白板的游戏功能,培养学生竞争意识,寓教于乐,在娱乐的同时最上一环节学习的单词进行巩固。 Step7. ask students to listen to a conversation between Alexis and Joe. Teach them some listening skills. 7. Before listening, look at the picture carefully. Try to guess what the pictures are about. While listening try to catch the key words and number the picture. 通过听两人的对话选择与对话内容相对应的图片,让学生整体感知一般过去式,一般现在时和一般将 ... ...

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