

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:93次 大小:40862Byte 来源:二一课件通
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陕西省延安市延安中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读理解 The Peer Education Project The Peer Education Project is a school-based programme that aims to give young people the skills and knowledge they need to safeguard their mental health, and that of their peers (同龄人). By training older pupils to deliver mental health lessons to younger students, we intend to include the programme in the school course as a key source of support to young people experiencing mental health problem. Why is peer education helpful ·Young people always turn a deaf ear to adults and are more willing to listen to their schoolmates. ·Young people may feel more comfortable asking questions of their fellows. ·Peer-delivered programmes can provide accessible role-models and advisers. ·The Peer Education Project uses existing social networks to exercise influence and maintain the influence beyond the classroom. What does the project teach ·It introduces mental health as something that we all have, like physical health. ·It encourages students to think about ways to stay well, how to seek help and support friends. ·It introduces some common wrong opinions about mental health, and deals with the discrimination (歧视) against people with mental problems. Our new PEP platform The PEP platform is designed to be a one-stop shop for The Peer Education Project. Register now to access the resources you will need to introduce mental health into your school course. Contact us We are currently working to bring the project to more schools. Call or email us if you’d like to take part, or to find out more about what’s involved. 1.What’s the purpose of The Peer Education Project A.Give lessons to older pupils. B.Help the young with their mental health. C.Teach skills and knowledge of study. D.Provide key support to schools. 2.Why is the project beneficial A.It creates useful social networks. B.It hires professional advisers to help. C.It helps young people communicate with their parents. D.It helps the young communicate with their fellows. 3.To know more about the project, you can _____. A.register now B.pay a visit in person C.make a phone call D.send a short message On May 7, 2022, Merle Liivand broke her own world record for swimming with a single fin. She swam the distance of a full marathon in the rough waters of Biscayne Bay, Florida. She even picked trash out of the water as she swam. As a child, she had health problems and began swimming to help her lungs get stronger. She was soon taking part in open water swimming contests. In one training session, she nearly swallowed some plastic that was floating in the sea. It made her think of all the sea animals who faced similar pollution every day. She decided to work to make people more aware of plastic pollution. Liivand first set the world record for swimming with monofin (单片脚蹼) in 2019, when she swam 6.2 miles. In 2020, she broke the record again ... ...

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