

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:35次 大小:37454Byte 来源:二一课件通
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天津市第三中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中质量检测英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、单项选择 1.—The government should limit the number of the cars on the street. —_____. If so, air pollution will be greatly reduced. A.It’s up to you B.I couldn’t agree more C.I think not D.That’s settled 2.If you want to do this dance well, your movements must be smooth and your body must be _____. A.normal B.flexible C.capable D.repetitive 3.A recent study found that the number of smartphone users _____ sharply over the past five years. A.has increased B.have increased C.is increasing D.are increasing 4.A recent study reported that planting billions of trees was the cheapest and most _____ way to absorb carbon dioxide and thus help to deal with global warming. A.sensitive B.effective C.temporary D.generous 5.There is a lot of public about the plastic particles recently found in water. A.agreement B.concern C.content D.responsibility 6.Yesterday afternoon, when I was shopping in the supermarket, I met an old friend _____. A.in advance B.in return C.by nature D.by accident 7.Mr. Green is a warm-hearted man, and he is always willing to _____ others whenever he is needed. A.make out B.put out C.help out D.look out 8.Your learning _____ needs to be adjusted a little so that you will have some time for your own hobbies. A.embarrassment B.complexity C.concern D.strategy 9.From the date _____ on the gold coin, we decided that it was made five hundred years ago. A.marking B.marked C.to be marked D.having been marked 10.He is always serious and it is very hard to make him _____ a smile. A.break out B.break into C.break down D.break through 11.To prove lightning is electricity, Franklin _____ a metal key to the kite and flew the kite in the thunderstorm. A.attached B.drew C.shot D.drafted 12.All the preparations for the task _____, and we’re ready to start. A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been done 13.For lack of money, the organizers are now trying to look for more people who can _____ the exhibition. A.destroy B.contribute C.declare D.sponsor 14.Our chemistry teacher _____ the experiment in the lab before we did the experiment by ourselves. A.stimulated B.sponsored C.demonstrated D.attached 15.Proof has shown that natural selection has played a _____ role in the evolution of some species. A.capable B.brilliant C.significant D.virtual 二、完形填空 Anna was a 9-year-old girl from a small village. She ___16___ primary school till 4th grade at her village. For the 5th grade on, she was ___17___ to a school in a city nearby. She was very pleased knowing that she was accepted ___18___ a very famous school in a city. Today was the first day of her school. Anna made it to her ___19___ after asking fellow students for ___20___. Upon seeing her ___21___ clothing and knowing she is from a small village, other students started ___22___ at her. Luckily, the teache ... ...

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