

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:77次 大小:1551202Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 浙江地区中考英语全真模拟卷 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、完形填空 In today’s class, the teacher handed out every student a list of endangered animals. Seeing that, Aidan asked Jacob in a low voice, “There are so many animals in ___1___. Do you know any of them ” Jacob nodded. “Yes. I know blue whales. My sister is a biologist, a scientist who studies animals in the ___2___. She once told me about blue whales. They’re the largest animals ___3___ known to be on the earth.” At once, Aidan became interested, saying, “Whoa! That ___4___ they’re even bigger than dinosaurs (恐龙).” The rest of the school day, Aidan couldn’t ___5___ thinking about this great animal. As soon as he came home, Aidan used his computer to ___6___ blue whales. He learned that an adult blue whale weighs around 200 tons. That’s about forty times ___7___ than an African elephant. It only averages (平均为) 5 tons. While Aidan was ___8___ the information online, his mother came. She saw what Aidan was doing and asked, “Why do you show a sudden ___9___ in blue whales ” “We’re learning about endangered animals, and the blue whale is one of them,” said Aidan. “People hunt them for meat and oil. Some ships even ___10___ them by creating noise in the ocean to interfere (妨碍) with their communicating. ___11___ there are fewer of them now. It’s a ___12___ that the beautiful whales may become extinct (灭绝的) in the future.” “That would be ___13___,” replied Aidan’s mother. Thinking for a while, Aidan said excitedly, “Mom, I know ___14___ I want to be when I grow up—a biologist! I’ll help save blue whales and make a difference to ___15___.” His mom smiled and said, “Yes, I’m sure you will.” 1.A.peace B.danger C.power D.silence 2.A.ocean B.forest C.land D.sand 3.A.never B.still C.just D.ever 4.A.warns B.explains C.means D.discovers 5.A.stop B.enjoy C.risk D.imagine 6.A.look like B.look at C.look up D.look after 7.A.taller B.heavier C.wider D.longer 8.A.sharing B.breaking C.writing D.reading 9.A.interest B.change C.fear D.hobby 10.A.feed B.train C.protect D.hurt 11.A.But B.So C.Though D.Because 12.A.pity B.deal C.question D.way 13.A.lucky B.safe C.awful D.unusual 14.A.why B.what C.where D.when 15.A.you B.us C.it D.them 二、阅读单选 (A) On Feb. 13 China released(发布)its “No. 1 central document(中央一号文件)” for 2023. It lists nine tasks for comprehensively promoting rural vitalization (全面促进乡村振兴) this year, Xinhua reported. For 20 years in a row, China’s first policy statement has focused on agriculture(农业)and rural areas. For the first time, the idea of building a strong agricultural country was seen in the No. 1 central document. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the idea of moving faster to build up China’s strength in agriculture. Now the document brings specific measur ... ...

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