
2023年中考英语阅读复习 周周练Week 8课件(打包7份)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:2873789Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第二部分 周周练 Week 8 Day7 读写综合 主题:人与社会———社会服务与人际沟通 主题内容:“时代楷模”张桂梅 短文词数:252 难度:★★★ 建议用时:7 minutes 正确率: _____ / 5 A. 回答问题 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题,并把答案写在横线上。 Zhang Guimei, the headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls, has been given the title “Role Model of the Times” for helping girls from poor families. The school was the first high school in the country to provide free education for girls who were unable to continue their studies after completing their nine years of education. Zhang moved to Lijiang at the age of 17 to teach in the middle school in Huaping County. Once, she got badly ill but had no money for the treatment. With the help of the people there, she was able to get the necessary treatment. “From then on, I told myself that I must do something for those people who helped me,” Zhang said. Slowly, a dream of setting up a free high school for girls in Huaping County appeared in Zhang' s mind. From the year of 2002, she began a six-year journey to look for funds(资金). In 2008, Zhang finally set up Huaping High School for Girls at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping. Thanks to her efforts, more than 1,800 girls from poor families have entered universities through her education until now. Zhang has been helping to improve the area as a whole. Influenced by her, many of her students have chosen to teach in poor areas. Now, with Zhang having got the title, education for girls from poor areas will receive more attention. What she has done will be long remembered and encourage more to follow her example. (2021滨州改编) 1. Why was Zhang Guimei named “Role Model of the Times” _____ 2. How old was Zhang Guimei when she moved to Lijiang _____ For helping girls from poor families. Zhang Guimei / She was 17 (years old). / 17 (years old). 3. When was Huaping High School for Girls set up _____ _____ Huaping High School for Girls / It was set up in 2008. / In 2008. 4. How many girls have entered universities through Zhang' s education _____ _____ More than 1,800 girls have entered universities through Zhang' s education. / More than 1,800 (girls). 5. Where have many of Zhang' s students chosen to work _____ _____ They have chosen to teach in poor areas. / In poor areas. 每日好词好句 1. 有一次,她病得很重,但没有钱治疗。 _____ _____ Once, she got badly ill but had no money for the treatment. 2. 她所做的事将长存于人们的记忆中,并激励更多人以她为榜样。 _____ _____ What she has done will be long remembered and encourage more to follow her example. B. 书面表达 在你成长的过程中,一定有一些人或事,哪怕很平凡、很微小,也会对你有所影响。请你就此话题写一篇短文。 内容包括: (1)具体描述这个人或这件事; (2)这个人或这件事对你的影响。 作文要求: (1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名和学生的真实姓名。 (2)语句连贯,词数80左右。 【写作指导】 第一步:审题。(夹 ... ...

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