

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:14次 大小:8794860Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2022—2023学年福建省泉州市惠安县八下第三次适应性练习 参考答案 1-5BBBAA 6-10CCACA 11-15CACAC 21-25 BCBBA 26-30ABCAA 31-35 ACCBC 36-40 CABAC 41-45 ACCAC 46-50 DCBAB 51-55 BDADC 56-60 DCCBD 61-65 CDBCA 66-70 CEADB 16 Middle 17 2:30 18 July 19 newspapers 20 raise 71 How time flies! 72 May/Can I help you What can I do for you 73 It’s a pity! / What a pity! 74 Well done. / Good job! 75 Could /May I order a meal by phone/on the phone 76 He will/is going to visit Harbin next month. 77 The dumplings taste delicious/nice./He tastes the dumplings. 78 They had a food festival last Monday. 79 Mike runs/ran faster than Jack. 80 While the woman was cooking, the boy was playing computer games. 81 had 82 waited 83 by 84 were 85 any 86 photos/pictures 87 an 88 raining 89 until 90 What 参考范围: Healthy eating Healthy eating is important for us. What and how should we eat to be healthy First, it’s very important for us to keep a good diet. So we should have different kinds of healthy foods. The more fruits and vegetables we eat, the healthier we will be. Second, we need to eat enough food, never too much or too little. Last but not least, we should get rid of some bad eating habits. For example, we should eat regularly, especially the breakfast. It’s said that many students go to school without breakfast. It’s bad for their health. In short, we should not only have healthy, enough food but also eat regularly. 听力材料 第一节 听句子: 从A、B、C三幅图画中选出符合句子内容的图画,句子读两遍。 1. We felt excited to hear the news. 2. Mike, you seem to be as tall as Tom. 3. The movie is so moving. It makes many people cry. 4. Jane is getting ready for the exams. 5. The fastest way to travel is by airplane. 第二节 听对话: (A)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题: W: Which movie do you like best, The Sound of Music, Titanic or Cats M: I think I like Titanic best. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题: W: Tony, why are you so sad today M: Because I did rather badly in the English exam yesterday morning. W: Oh, don’t lose heart. Try your best to do better next time. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题: W: I think blue can make us quiet and calm. M: Yes, I think so. 听第四段对话,回答第9、10小题: W: Hello, Tony. Anything wrong M: It’s Jim, Miss Wang. He seems so sad and unhappy. W: I’m sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem M: He is crying in his bedroom. You know he is quiet and shy. He has no friends here. He may feel lonely. I don’t know what to do. W: He should be more active. Do you think I should have a talk with him M: Yes, please. I am worried about him. 听第五段对话,回答第11、12小题: M: What can I do for you, Susan W: Well, my back aches. M: Can you tell me what happened to you yesterday W: I fell out of my chair. M: Nothing serious . Take it easy and stay in bed for a week. W: Thank you, doctor. 听第六段对话,回答第13、14、15小题: M: Could you tell me the time for the first train to Sydney tomorrow morning W: The first tra ... ...

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