

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:98次 大小:892054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 江苏省2022-2023学年(三起)译林版五年级下学期英语期末真题汇编-语法词汇题(100题)Ⅵ 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、用单词正确形式填空 1.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)Turn left at _____ (two) traffic lights. 2.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)Su Hai should _____ (read) a book. 3.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)My mother often _____ (wash) clothes. She _____ (wash) clothes now. 4.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)There is some _____ (tomato) soup in the fridge. 5.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)We are happy _____ (have) picnics. 6.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)_____ (sweet) are bad for our _____ (tooth). 7.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)Look! The little child _____ (sit) under the tree. 8.(2020春·江苏泰州·五年级统考期末)Sam often _____ (catch) a ladybird from the grapes. 9.(2020春·江苏扬州·五年级统考期末)My mother _____ (try) on this beautiful dress. 10.(2020春·江苏扬州·五年级统考期末)What’s wrong with _____ (they) 11.(2020春·江苏扬州·五年级统考期末)It’s six o'clock in the evening. I’m _____ (dance) in the living room. 12.(2020春·江苏扬州·五年级统考期末)Sam wants _____ (catch) the ladybirds. 13.(2020春·江苏扬州·五年级统考期末)Don’t _____ (put) your schoolbag on the floor. 14.(2020春·江苏镇江·五年级统考期末)Nancy should brush _____ (she) teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 15.(2020春·江苏镇江·五年级统考期末)It's ten o'clock. Jim _____ (run) in the playground. 16.(2020春·江苏镇江·五年级统考期末)Today is _____ (two) of May. My mother's birthday is coming. 17.(2020春·江苏镇江·五年级统考期末)There are twelve _____ (month) in a year. 18.(2020春·江苏镇江·五年级统考期末)It's too late. You shouldn't _____ (watch) TV now. 19.(2020春·江苏无锡·五年级统考期末)Bobby, don’t play the g_____. Can you a_____ the question 20.(2020春·江苏盐城·五年级校考期末)Do you want _____ (eat) some rice 21.(2020春·江苏盐城·五年级校考期末)Liu Tao _____ (catch) some pests from the flowers. 22.(2020春·江苏盐城·五年级校考期末)It’s four o'clock. The children _____ (sweep) the floor. 23.(2020春·江苏盐城·五年级校考期末)December is the _____ (12) month of a year. 24.(2020春·江苏常州·五年级统考期末)It's Saturday morning. Helen is _____ (make) the bed in her bedroom. 25.(2020春·江苏常州·五年级统考期末)May is the _____ (five) month in a year. 26.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)My brother always _____ (walk)along Moon Street. 27.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)Please tell me which _____ (choose). 28.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)My _____ (foot) hurt. My _____ (foot) hurts. 29.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)Let her _____ (take) the bus to the park. 30.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)Helen _____ (get) off the bus and goes along Sun Street. 31.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)We can ask our teachers for _____ (help). 32.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)They want _____ (go) boating this Sunday. 33.(2021春·江苏·五年级期末)He _____ ... ...

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