
冀教版七年级下册Lesson 43课件(共16张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:53次 大小:13768020Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) free talk Summer holiday is coming. Do you have any plans for summer What are you going to do during summer? T:What will you do during summer holiday S:I will /am going to . S:I will / am going to . play basketball play tennis T:What will you do during summer holiday S:I will . S:I am going to . go swimming play games What is the video about Do you know what Jenny and Danny are going to do during summer holiday Lesson 43 Have a Good Summer Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming listening listen and fill in the blanks Jenny and Danny took their final today.School is .They are for summer. First reading read and complete Danny’s diary. Dear Diary, I am so excited today. we took our final_____ over and school is _____. The day after tomorrow I will go to my uncle’s house. I'll stay there for one _____. month. Debby and I will play basketball, _____ volleyball and_____. We will swim and play in the _____, It’s going to be a great summer. I'm looking forward to it so much. exam over month tennis football sun Careful reading read from beginning to “for one month”. 1 what did they do today 2 What are they going to talk about ? 3 What is Danny`s plan for summer Careful reading read from “Wow ,That will be fun ” to the end . 1 will Danny do many things 2 why does Danny use “made”? 3 How many things will Danny do in summer holiday 4 Does he like summer holiday Post reading 1 retell the main idea with the key words 2 have a role play and act out the dialouge summary Phrases 1) take an exam / final exams 2) be sure 3) play tennis /basketball/volleyball/football 4) look forward to 5) wait for 6) have to 7) have a good summer 8) make a list 9)stay with sb. 过一个愉快的夏天 盼望 ,期盼 打网球/篮球/排球/(踢)足球 参加考试 /期末考试 列清单 确信 等待 不得不 和某人待在一起 Important sentences and knowledge points 1) Important sentences: What are you going to do for the summer I’m going to stay with his family for one month. We will do so many things. I’m looking forward to it . Summary: Do exercises 一 句型转换,每空一词。 1. Zhang Yue will play football for Hope Team. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Zhang Yue _____ football for Hope Team 2. The girl is going to have a picnic tomorrow morning. (改为否定句) The girl _____ going to have a picnic tomorrow. Will play isn’t Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We are _____ (excite) for the school trip. 2. I’m going to _____ (play) basketball this afternoon. 3. Bill _____ (buy) a pair of shoes tomorrow. 4. I’m looking forward to _____ (meet) you again. 5. It’s getting dark. I have to _____ (go) now. excited play will buy/is going to buy meeting go Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We are _____ (excite) for the school trip. 2. I’m going to _____ (play) basketball this afternoon. 3. Bill _____ (buy) a pair of shoes tomorrow. 4. I’m looking forward to _____ (meet) you again. 5. It’s getting dark. I have to _____ (go) now. excited play will buy/is going to buy meetin ... ...

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